Sonia Maino was born on 9 December 1946 to Stefano Maino , a building contractor, and Paolo Preledon on the 1'.inks of the Po in Orhassano near Turim in Italy (she is frond of three daughters). In 1965, she went to Cambridge in enroll in an English language school. She met Rajiv Gandhi at the Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge. He was at Trinity College then. In year 1967, marriage of Rajiv and Sonia was announced.  In 1968, marriage of these two took place on the lawns of  The safdarjung  house of lndira Gandhi on Vasant Panchami  Day in  February, the same day Indira married Feroze in  1942; Sonia wore the same cotton pink sari that Indira had  Worn  for her wedding, the sari spun by Jawaharlal Nehru While in  prison. In 1970, Rahul was born, Priyanka two years later. In 1980, Sonia became an Indian citizen. In 1980, Rajiv’s brather, more...

Introduction. Today man's scientific knowledge is very wide and highly advanced. It has helped him to discover and invent many things for his comforts and efficiency Computer is the latest .and most Brilliant child of science.                                              How computer came into existence? Charles Babbage developed v the first difference and analytical engine in 1812, the later developed 'Analytical engine'. This machine had the concepts of modern Computers namely memory unit and capacity to handle Stored programme. But this machine could not be put into practical Application due id technological limitations at his time. In 1854, George Boole invented the logic system which is the basis for today's Digital computers. In 193.7, the first electro machine calculator was developed by Howard and Dilton. In 1946, the first computer came into existence. It was named as ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator] was developed by Dr. John Nouchly and J.P. Eckert University of more...

India's 13th prime minister, Dr Manmohan Singh is acclaimed as a thinker and a scholar. He is well regarded for his diligence and his academic approach to work, as well as his accessibility and his unassuming conduct. He has been in academics and a civil servant. Manmohan Singh was born on 26 September 1932, in village Gah in the Punjab province of undivided India. He completed his matriculation examination from Punjab University in 1948. His academic career took him from I 'Punjab to the University of Cambridge, UK, where he earned II first class honours degree in Economics in 1957. He followed this with a D. Phil in Economics from Oxford University in 1962. His book, India's Export Trends and prospects for Self-sustained Growth (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1964) was an early critique of India's inward- oriented trade policy. Dr Singh's academic credentials were burnished by the years he spent on more...

Introduction. A Muslim woman has no social prestige in the World of Muslims. She is the most oppressed lady. She is always sad at heart thinking the impending danger of divorce. She has reconciled herself to the barbarism of her husband. To see her is to feel pity for her. The new Act and Its promises. The new Act called" The Muslim Women Act" has recently come into existence. Its purpose was to mitigate the suffering of Muslim Women. The Supreme Court allowed maintenance allowance to a divorced Muslim Woman called Shah Banu. A furious storm raised over this judgment of the Supreme Court all over the country. The Muslims raised a strong Protest by saying that its undue interference in their religion. To curb down this unnecessary social uproar the New Act came into existence- Bill in the Parliament. A bill was presented in the Parliament to put an more...

Self-educated, self-made, he echoes the poor-boy-made-good theme in American politics. His rise from obscurity to fame is tremendous. Scholars rank him among the top three US Presidents, with most of these surveys placing him at number one. Truly, Abraham Lincoln had the charisma to let the world fall at his feet. Born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, two uneducated farmers in Kentucky, young Lincoln had humble roots. His parents belonged to a Baptist church and had pulled away from a larger church because they refused to support slavery. Thus, from a very young age he-was exposed to anti-slavery sentiment. As a youth, he ridiculed religion. His formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling from unofficial teachers. In effect, he was self-educated, studying every book he could borrow. He once walked 20 miles just to borrow one book! His favourite book was 'The life more...

Introduction. April 3, 1984 will be considered as red letter day in the space hovel history of India. On this day our Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma, a test pilot of Indian Army became the firsts pace Man of this great country, He along with two Soviet men voyaged into Space on Soyuz T-II speech ship which was hurled into space from Bikaner commodore in the Soviet Union. The rocket had three Stages and it weighed.300 tones.  It was blasted off into space at 6.30 p.m. (1ST) on April.3, 1984 Yuri Gagarin’s hope. Yuri Gagarin, the lather of space flight when visited India in 1972, expressed his hope that a day would come when the family cosmonauts would be joined by a citizen of India. His Hope came true alter a lapse of "about 22 years. The cosmonaut is Soyuz T-II. Rakesh Sharma, Malyshev and Strakalove were launched into orbit abroad more...

"My father will get ahead of me in everything, and will leave nothing great for me to do". These were little Alexander's words when he came to know about the conquests of his father, the king Philip of Macedonia. Action and glory, rather than pleasure and wealth, were what Alexander wanted from life. Fame was his passion. One of the greatest generals in history, Alexander conquered much of what was then the civilized world. He was born in Pella, Macedonia. His mother was Olympias. She was brilliant and hot-tempered and the young Alexander inherited the best qualities of both his parents. He was ambitious and carried a copy of 'Illiad' with him. The hero Achilles in the story became Alexander's model. Even as a boy Alexander was fearless and strong. He tamed the beautiful and spirited Bucephalus, a horse that no one else dared to touch or ride. His father more...

Introduction. God sent Adam with very few needs and strong Limbs to fulfill those needs. As time passed and civilization advanced, Man found himself more and more aloof from nature, lazy and Luxurious and utterly dependent on machines. And machines need Energy. Increasing demand for energy. In the industrially advanced World of today, the demand for energy is increasing every day. We have machines and factories, buses, cars, trains and planes and ships and sub-marines. Energy is needed to run them- But this is not all. Man has grown so lazy that he does not like even to wind his watch. So energy is being used for running clocks and watches, typewriters, Shaving razors and many more things. Sources energy. Wood later on coal was the first source of Energy. Then came oil and passing through the stage of atomic energy Man is now looking forward to solar energy. Energy more...

A benevolent and wise ruler, a man of novel ideas, a sound judge of character, and tolerant to the core—these are some among many adjectives used to describe the Greatest of the Mughal emperors. Born on October 15, 1542 to Humayun and Hamida Banu Begum who were in exile, Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar spent his early childhood away from the splendour of the court. He spent his youth learning to hunt, run and fight, but he never learnt to read or write. Bat his fortunes were about to change soon. Following the chaos over the succession of Islam Shah (Sher Shah's son), Humayun reconquered Delhi in 1555. Only a few months later, Humayun died in an accident. Akbar succeeded his father on Feb 14, 1556, while in. the midst of a war against Sikandar Shah for the reclamation of the throne. Here, in Kalanaur, the 13 year old Akbar donned a more...

Introduction. The drafts of Seventh Five Year Plan was Considered and approved by the National Development Council in its Two days' meeting held on November 9-10. 1985 under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister. Shri Rajiv Gandhi. The Plan was Adopted by the NDC envisaged a total investment of Rs. 322,366 crore Over the plan period 1985-90. Resources of the Plan. The Plan is to be financed by domestic Savings of Rs. 302,366 crore estimated at 1984 prices and inflow of Funds from abroad lo the extent of Rs. 20,000 crore. Thus nearly 94 Percent of the total Investment will be met from domestic resources. Total outlay for the public sector.  The total public sector outlay For the Plan is Rs. 180,000 crore at 1984-85 prices. Of the total outlay, of Rs.180, 000 crore, Rs. 95534 crore is for the central sector the Balance of Rs. 80,698 crore in the Stales more...


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