7th Class

Surrounding Affects the Living Things

Category : 7th Class

*         Surrounding Affects the Living Things


Our earth is the third planet and only one capable of supporting life in the solar system. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is about, 14, 95, 65, 1,39 km. It varies slightly during the year. The variation of distance between the Earth and Sun is due to the angle of the earth axis, relative to the Sun. There are various kinds of species living on the Earth. All living organisms require food to survive and they obtain food from plants and animals. Therefore, all living organism, directly or indirectly depend on plants. The natural resources such as plants, animals, minerals, water and air are of two types, renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. Renewable resources are replaced by natural process. The water cycle is an example of renewable resource. Oxygen is obtained from plants and called renewable resource. Other renewable resources are soil, solar energy, wind, etc. Non- renewable resources cannot be replaced by natural process and its reserve is decreased due to uses. None renewable resources are formed by physical and chemical reaction and it takes long time. The nonrenewable resources are, metals, coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc.


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