Awards & Honours

Since independence there has been much improvement in the lot of women in India. The women of India who form 50% of the population have equal opportunities and rights and can aspire for any position and status in the society. Many of them are in top positions in various fields of life.  A few of them have been great and big   political   leaders,   entrepreneurs, administrators and business persons. This marked change in their outlook, social and economic status reflects the fact that their emancipation has been almost complete. It is a fact that Indian women have much better status than their counterparts in many other developing countries. Today women in India are well conscious of their rights and privileges and they are politically, socially, economically and educationally no more backward. Their participation in democratic process and elections has been quite impressive. In a large number of constituencies women voters outnumber more...

All the teachers in our school are good, able and well-qualified. All of us respect them and obey them. They also love us. But my favorite teachers is Mr. Veer Singh. He has great impression on my personality. He is our class-incharge. Mr. Singh is well built, tall and a strong man. He always dress-up smartly. He is always neat and clean. He has a pleasing personality. He is a well-mannered person. He always smiles and never loses his temper. He is respected by all of us. He is polite and soft spoken. He is always regular and punctual. He teaches us English and is the master of the subject. He makes every student understand his lesson well. One can never forget, whatever he teaches. He has made English grammar very easy for us. He keeps strict discipline in the class. He never beats anyone, still boys always follow his more...

My favourite bird is the sparrow. The sparrow is a very common bird. It is to be seen anywhere and everywhere, where human beings live.   The sparrow is small in size. It has dark brown wings. The underside of its body is lighter in colour. It has small beady eyes and a small beak.   It is a busy and active bird. It wakes up early in the morning. It twitters all the time. Its cheerful twittering wakes up people from their sleep in the mornings. Many sparrows come and sit on my window sill every morning. They twitter so loudly that it is impossible for us to continue sleeping. We have to wake up, open our balcony door and throw some grains to them. Then they hop about and merrily peck at the foodgrains.   The sparrow is a friendly bird. It likes the company of human beings. more...

This is a festival of importance for Hindus. A vow to protect the right and justice in the society is taken on this festival day.   The festival falls on the full-moon day in the month of Shrawan by Hindu calender and in the month of August according to English calender. Rains cool the atmosphere. Moon light provides a pleasant and peaceful environment.     In the times gone by Brahmins, sages and seers who were meek physically but mentally strong, were always in need of protection from the physical danger. Kshatriyas were, the protectors of the whole society. They were always ready to use their sword in protection of the weak and wise. Gurus, well red Brahmins and men of hermitages used to tie a holy  thread on the wrists of kings, brave and strong men. This thread, tied by the learned people, is a symbol of blessing and more...

It was the month of December last year. It was the coldest day of the winter season. People were finding it difficult to walk on the road. Woolen clothes were of no help. In the morning my mother brought two hot 'potato's pranthas' with hot milk for me. I took my breakfast and left for school. There I found every child shivering with cold even when he was covered in sweaters and a thick coat. In school our teachers taught us with all the doors and windows shut. During the recess period there was a great rush in the canteen. The students took tea in large amounts. As I returned from school, I passed through the local market. Very few customers had come to make purchases- From the evening cool wind started blowing. The sky started getting over-casted. Everyone was seen in his warm clothes. Vehicles were driven with their more...

Last Monday I attended a birthday party of my friend. It was his fifteenth birthday. He celebrated it with great pomp and show. He had invited all his friends and relatives. The arrangement of party was done in hall of a hotel. I, along with other friends reached there in time. His parents were standing at the door of the hall. They greeted all the guests arriving at the hotel. They greeted us and welcomed us in the party. We entered the hall and took our seat. We were offered cold drinks and snacks. My friends Gagan was busy in meeting his relatives. Gagan saw us and came to meet us. We wished him happy birthday and presented him the gift. He asked us to take cold drinks and enjoy ourselves. The guests kept on coming. In late evening the cake cutting ceremony started. A big table was put in more...

The world's first enclosed harbor, or tidal dock, is believed to have been constructed thousands of years ago during the Harappan or Indus Valley Civilization. It is located at Lothal, in the present-day Mangroul harbor, on India's Gujarat coast, bordering the Indian Ocean. The dock was discovered in 1955 and is believed to have been constructed around 2500 B.C.E. It was trapezoid in shape and its walls were constructed from burned brick. It measured 40 yards (37 m) from east to west and 24 yards (22 m) from north to south. Inlet channels allowed excess water to escape and prevented erosion of the banks. On its northern side the structure was connected with the estuary of the Sabarmati River, and lock gates on that side ensured that ships remained afloat in the dockyard. The entrance to the dock was able to accommodate two ships at a time, and the dock more...

A pleasurable beverage appears. The accidental fermentation of a mixture of water and fruit in sunlight is thought to have led to the first discovery of an alcoholic drink by a prehistoric people. Evidence of intentionally fermented beverages exists in the form of Stone Age beer jugs dated as early as the Neolithic period (10,000 B.C.E.). Other jugs have been excavated in Southwest Asia and North Africa. Alcoholic beverages have been an integral part of many cultures, used as a source of nutrition, in meals, for celebrations, and also in religious ceremonies. Alcohol can give a sense of wellbeing, but also acts as a depressant, lowering behavioral inhibitions. Alcohol consumption became a status symbol for the wealthy. During the Middle Ages, concoctions were distilled to produce spirits. Alcohol has also served as a thirst quencher when water was polluted. In the 1700s, home-brewing processes were replaced by commercially made beer more...

The fiber or "felt-tip" pen is a wondrous development in the history of writing. It allows the writer to scrawl their message to the world on almost any surface, safe in the knowledge that their pearls of wisdom will be read for the rest of time. Primitive felt-tip pens date back to the 1940s. They were crude devices—not unlike a fountain pen in design—with a reservoir for ink, but with a piece of felt or some other porous material for the ink to slowly run through, instead of the traditional nib or stylus. Sidney Rosenthal dramatically improved on this in design in 1953. He took a squat glass bottle of ink with a wool-felt wick and writing tip. He called this new device the "Magic Marker" due to its ability to write on any surface. It represented a significant development in the technology of felt-tip pens, which started to be more...

“[Using] wheels to reduce friction while moving objects was one of the most important invention…” Odis Hayden Griffin, Engineer Most inventions do not appear out of thin air or from the ingenious brain of a brilliant scientist, but evolve from something already in existence. This is certainly true of the wheel and its attached axle, which developed from two different sources. The first was the revolving potter's wheel, invented in Mesopotamia in around 3500 B.C.E. Although not a tool essential to the potter's craft, the wheel did help in the faster production of better-quality pots. The second source was the sledge, a primitive but effective means of hauling large loads on parallel sleds or bars of wood. The sledge was ideal in icy and snowy conditions, and on hot sand, but not on hard, dry terrain, where great effort was required to pull it along. Evidence that the use of more...


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