Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Colour of Heated Object

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

When a body is heated, all radiations having wavelengths from zero to infinity are emitted.

(1) Radiations of longer wavelengths are predominant at lower temperature. 

(2) The wavelength corresponding to maximum emission of radiations shifts from longer wavelength to shorter wavelength as the temperature increases. Due to this the colour of a body appears to be changing.

(3) A blue flame is at a higher temperature than a yellow flame  

Variation of colour of a body on heating

Temperature Colour
\[{{525}^{o}}C\] Dull red
\[{{900}^{o}}C\] Cherry red
\[{{1100}^{o}}C\] Orange red
\[{{1200}^{o}}C\] Yellow
\[{{1600}^{o}}C\] White


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