11th Class Chemistry The s-Block Elements / s-ब्लॉक के तत्व

  • question_answer 110)
    What happens when: (i) sodium is dropped in water? (ii) sodium metal is heated in free supply of air? (iii) sodium peroxide is dissolved in water?


    (i) \[{{H}_{2}}\]gas is evolved which catches fire as huge amount of heat energy is released. \[2Na+2{{H}_{2}}O\to 2NaOH+{{H}_{2}}\] (ii) Sodium peroxide is formed. It always contains small amounts of\[N{{a}_{2}}O\]. \[4Na+{{O}_{2}}\to 2N{{a}_{2}}O\] \[2N{{a}_{2}}O+{{O}_{2}}\to 2N{{a}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}\] (iii) \[{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}\]is formed. \[N{{a}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}+2{{H}_{2}}O\to 2NaOH+{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}\] The reaction is exothermic. \[{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}\]gets decomposed. \[2{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{2}}\to 2{{H}_{2}}O+{{O}_{2}}.\]

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