12th Class English Deep Water - William Douglas

  • question_answer 1)
    Write a short letter to someone you know about your having learnt to do something new.    


    New Delhi April 20,2009 Dear Janvi I have learnt to drive! I also learnt that the more you know about driving the more fascinating driving becomes. It takes about an hour to learn the basics of starting, stopping, and turning but it all depends on how good a driver you want to be. My instructor told me that it takes between 25-50 hours of behind-the-wheel experience for the average novice driver to get enough skills to Junction in basic traffic situations.   Initially, I was apprehensive but soon realized that driving is a combination of hand-eye coordination skills, vehicle-handling skills and traffic knowledge. Advanced driving is, more than anything else, a combination of decision making and management skills.   Driving is very much a decision-making task, and good decisions depend on good information. 90 percent of that information comes through the eyes. In other words, you can't be an expert driver without an understanding of how vision and perception works. The good news is that anyone can learn this art, though the time duration may vary.   Best wishes Prateek

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