Flood Quiz1. What are floods that happen suddenly called?2. What is the difference between flood and flash flood?3. Identify three causes of floods in rural and urban areas.4. What is reducing disaster risk called?5. What percentage of our land areas is prone to floods?6. Name the Government department at the district level responsible for flood warning in remote areas.7. What food would you store in a flood prone area?8. Name three rivers in India which are frequently affected by floods.
We have now learnt some of the mitigation strategies that can be adopted to minimize the risk of floods. In the recent past there have been a number of incidents/events of flash floods in urban areas of India. Look for more information on this and write a short summary of their causes and impact. List mitigation measures that could be taken up to reduce the impact.
A seismometer is an instrument which is used for measuring earthquakes. Collect information and pictures on various ancient ways of measuring earthquakes of various countries of the world.
Identify the areas that are normally affected by drought in India and write a short narrative on the impact of the drought on the community along with a case study.
1. Prepare a brochure for an NGO to create awareness about use of traditional water harvesting systems.2. Read and review any book related to drought, e.g., P Sainath's "Everybody loves a good drought" and Anupam Mishra's "Rajasthan Id Rajat Boonde".3. Interview a bank manager on how crop insurance is given and report to class.