9th Class Science Diversity in Living Organisms

  • question_answer 58)
      Write true (T) or false (F). (a) Whittaker proposed five kingdom classification. (b) Monera is divided into archaebacteria and eubacteria. (c) Starting from class species comes before the genus. (d) Anabaena belongs to the kingdom-Monera. (e) Blue green algae belongs to the kingdom-Protista. (f) All prokaryotes are classified under Monera.


      (a) True                (b) True Five kingdom classification was given by Whittaker. The kingdom-Monera is divided into two sub-kingdoms Archaebacteria (archaea) Eubacteria (bacteria). (c) False Linnaeus's scheme of arranging organisms into on ascending series of groups of ever increasing indusiveness forms the hierarchial system of classification. The hierarchy of taxonomic categories or taxa is
    Kingdom                  Phylum/Division     Class Order Family Genus Species Decreasing similarity Increasing similarity
    (d) True Anabaena is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria of kingdom-Monera. It exists as plankton and is known for its nitrogen fixing abilities. (e) False Blue-green algae or cyan bacteria is a phylum of kingdom bacteria that obtain their energy- through photosynthesis. They can be found in almost every terrestrial and aquatic habitat. They can occur as plank tonic cells or form phototrophic bio films. (f) True Five kingdom system given by Whittaker given the concept that all the prokaryotic including bacteria and blue green algae belongs to kingdom-Monera.

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