12th Class Mental Ability Arrangement Notes - Sitting Arrangement

Notes - Sitting Arrangement

Category : 12th Class

Sitting Arrangement


Introduction: Question of sitting Arrangement are based on a set of information containing certain conditions. Candidates are required to arrange the object either in a row or in a circle on the basis of given conditions. Information given in the question is presented in distorted form to create confusion and to test information's ability to analyse the information step by step in order to answer the question correctly. Following examples will help the students to understand this chapter clearly.



  1. Six person are sitting in a circle facing the centre of the circle. Parikh is between Babita and Narinder. Asha is between Chitra and Pankaj. Chitra is to the immediate left to Babita. Who is to the immediate right of Babita.

            (a) Parikh                                   (b) Narinder

            (c) Chitra                                   (d) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: It is clear from figure Parikh is to the immediate right of Babita.




  1. Six students - A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a ground. A and B have come from Delhi while other from Bangalore. D and F are tall and all others are short. A, C and D are girls while other are boys. Who is the taller girl hailing from Bangalore?

            (a) C                                         (b) D

            (c) E                                          (d) F

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: Students hailing from Delhi – A, B

            Student hailing from Bangalore – C, D, E, F

            Girls – A, C, D

            Boys – B, E, F

            Taller Students – D, F

            F is taller girl who hails from Bangalore.


 Snap Test


In this type of questions some class regarding seating or placing sequence/linear or circular of same persons or items is given.



Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

            (i)  A, B, C, D, E, F an G are sitting around a circle and are facing the centre.

            (ii) G is second to the left of C, who is to the immediate left of F.

            (iii) A is third to the left of E.

            (iv) B is between D and E.


  1. Which one of the following is false?

            (a) A is fourth to the right of E.

            (b) G is to the immediate right of D.

            (c) F is third to the right of D.

            (d) B is second to the right of G.

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)


  1. Which one of the following is true?

            (a) C is fourth to the left of B.

            (b) A is to the immediate right of G.

            (c) D is second to the left of E.

            (d) B is second to the right of G.

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

  1. Which one of the following pairs has the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person?

            (a) BE                                       (b) CA

            (c) GD                                       (d) DG

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)


  1. Which of the following has the middle person sitting between the remaining two?

            (a) FCE                                     (b) EFB

            (c) DEB                                     (d) GDA

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (e)


  1. Which of the following is the position of F?

            (a) Fourth to the right of D           (b) To the immediate left of C

            (c) Between A and E                          (d) To the immediate right of A

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)



                 We first of all mark the seven blank positions around a circle.

Now, G is second to the left of C and C is to the immediate left of F. We mark their positions as shown below.



Also, B is between D and E. Thus, D, B, E sit together and occupy the three consecutive blank positions. Now, only one position remains blank between G and C, and this must be occupied by A. Now, D, B, E may its in any of the positions (D, B, E) or (E, B, D). But A is third to the left of E only when they its in the order (D, B, E). Thus, we mark their positions as shown.

  1. Clearly, F is fourth to the right of D. So, (c) is false. Hence, the answer is (c).
  2. C is third to the left of B. So, (a) is false. A Is to the immediate right of G. So. (b) is true, D is second to the right of E. So, (c) is false. B is second to the left of G. So, (d) is false. Hence the answer is (b).
  3. Clearly, only in the pair D, the first person D sits to the immediate left to the second person G. Hence, the answer is (d).
  4. C sits between A and F; F sits between E and C; E sits between B and F; D sits between G and B. So, none of the given groups satisfies the given condition.
  5. Clearly, F’s position is

            (i)   fourth to the right of D

            (ii) to the immediate right of C

            (iii) between C and E

            (iv) second to the right of A

            Hence, the answer is (a).

Notes - Sitting Arrangement

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