Category : 2nd Class
Pronoun is a word that takes the place of noun.
For example:
I, we, he, she it, they, etc.
He is a boy. 'He' is pronoun. We are girls. 'We' is a pronoun.
The following is the list of pronouns:
I My Me
We Our Us
You Your Yours
They Their Them
He His Him
She Her Her
The following are also pronouns:
This That
These Those
It Itself
Himself Herself
Themselves Ourselves
Pronouns are used very commonly in English. The sentence is not good if noun is used again and again.
For example:
Steve plays in the garden. Steve plays with his friends. Steve comes back at 7 PM.
Use pronoun in the place of noun.
For example:
Steve plays in the garden. He plays with his friends. He comes back at7PM.
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