5th Class Mental Ability Analogy 372 Analogy


Category : 5th Class




Learning Objective

  • To get aware of analogy
  • Increasing interest about this segment of reasoning.
  • Improving the general awareness of Analogy.
  • Increasing the word power.


What is Analogy?

Simple meaning of analogy is similarity. But, in terms of reasoning, the meaning of analogy is logical similarity between two or more things. This similarity may be on the basis of properties, kinds, traits, shapes etc.

  • Example:

(i) Student: School:: Patient: Hospital

Explanation:   A ‘Student’ goes to ‘School’ in the same way a ‘Patient’ goes to ‘Hospital’. In other words, school (place to take education) is a proper place for a student and in the same way hospital (place to get treatment) is a proper place for a patient.

1st pair- Student: School (person and proper place relationship).

2nd pair- Patient: Hospital (person and proper place relationship).

Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship in a logical way. Hence, both pairs are analogous or it is said that both pairs exhibit analogy.


(ii) Good: Bad: : Tall : Short

Explanation:   1st pair - Good: Bad (opposite relationship)

2nd pair - Tall: Short (opposite relationship)

Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship (opposite relationship).

Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.


Types of Problems

            (a)        Problems Based on Synonymous Relationship

In such problems, the words given in one pair have same meaning and the same relationship is found in another pair of words.

Example 1:       Right: Correct:: Fat: Bulky

Explanation:   1st pair – Right: Correct (Synonymous relationship).

2nd pair - Fat: Bulky (synonymous relationship).

Example 2:       Brave: Bold:: Wrong: Incorrect

Explanation:   1st pair - Brave: Bold (Synonymous relationship).

2nd pair - Wrong: Incorrect (Synonymous relationship).


Commonly Asked Question

  1. Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

Tough: Hard: : ______: ______

(a) Rich: Wealthy            (b) Rich: Poor

(c) Tall: Short                             (d) True: False

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Tough' and 'Hard' are synonymous words. In the same manner 'Rich' and 'Wealthy' are synonymous words.

Rest of the options is incorrect because words in option (b), (c) and (d) have opposite meanings and option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. ‘Start’ is related to ‘Begin’ in the same way as ‘joy’ is related to…………..

(a) Right                          (b) False

(c) True                           (d) Delight

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: ‘Start’ and ‘Begin’ have same meaning. Similarly, ‘Joy’ and ‘Delight’ have same meaning.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).  

(b)        Problems Based on Opposite Relationship

In such problems, the pair of words given in the question are opposite to each other in meaning (antonyms). Similarly, the pair of words in the answer must be opposite in meaning.

Example 1:    Poor: Rich:: Weak : Strong

Explanation:   'Poor' is opposite to ‘Rich’ and in the same way ‘Weak’ is opposite to ‘Strong’. Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Come: Go:: Near: Far

Explanation:   ‘Come’ and ‘Go’ are opposite in meaning. Similarly, ‘Near’ and ‘Far’ are opposite words.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. ‘Wet’ is related to ‘Dry’ in the same way as ‘Tough’ is related to……...

(a) Hard                                    (b) Short

(c) Easy                                     (d) Long

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘Wet’ and ‘Dry’ are antonyms. Similarly, ‘Tough’ and ‘Easy’ are antonyms.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


  1. 'Hot' and 'Cold' have certain relationship. Find which of the following pair keep the same relationship.

(a) Big and Tall              (b) Long and Tall

(c) Huge and Large         (d) Thin and Fat

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Hot' and 'Cold' are opposite in meaning and similarly, 'Thin' and 'Fat' have opposite relationship.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


(c)        Problems Based on Cause and Effect Relationship

In such type of problems, one word of a pair is an action and another word is the effect of that particular action.

Example 1:    Shoot: Kill :: Race : Fatigue

Explanation:   By 'Shooting' (action), you 'Kill' (effect). In the same way by 'Racing' (action), you get 'Fatigued' (effect).

Example 2:    Insult: Humiliate:: Fast: Hunger

Explanation:   'Insult' is the cause of 'Humiliation' (effect) and in the same way 'Fast' is the cause of 'Hunger'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. Pick the pair which is related in the same way as the words given in the question.

Comedy: Laughter:: _____ : ______

(a) Tragedy: Sadness          (b) Big: Small

(c) Come: Go                           (d) Last: End

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Comedy' is the cause of 'Laughter' (effect). Similarly, 'Tragedy' is the cause of 'Sadness' (effect).

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. ‘Work’ and ‘Tiredness’ have same relationship as ‘Poison’ and ______have.

(a) Life                                         (b) Death

(c) Dream                                  (d) Freshness

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Option (b) is correct because ''Work’ is the cause of ‘Tiredness’ (effect) & similarly, 'Poison' is the cause of 'Death' (effect).

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


(d)        Problems Based on Gender Relationship

In such problems, a pair of words exhibit male and female relationship and same relationship is established by another pair of words.

Example 1:    Man: Woman:: Boy: Girl

Explanation:   A 'Man' is a male human adult and a ‘Woman’ is a female human adult. Similarly, a 'Boy' is a male human and a 'Girl' is a female human. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Stag: Doe :: Dog: Bitch

Explanation:   A 'Stag' is a male deer while a 'Doe' is a female deer. Similarly, a 'Dog' is a male animal while a 'Bitch' is a female dog. Hence, both pairs of words exhibit analogy.


(e)        Problems Based on Animals and Sound Relationship

In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an animal and another word is the sound of that animal. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words in the answer.

Example 1:    Dog : Bark :: Cat : Mew

Explanation:   'Bark' is the sound of 'Dogs' and in the same way 'Mew' is the sound of 'Cats'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Lion : Roar :: Elephant: Trumpet

Explanation:   'Roar' is the sound of 'Lion' in the same way 'Trumpet' is the sound of 'Elephant'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. ‘Caw’ is related to ‘Crows' in the same way as ______ is related to ‘Goats’.

(a) Bleat                                       (b) Roar

(c) Trumpet                                (d) Mew

(e) None of these

Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Caw’ is the sound of ‘Crows'. In the same way ‘Bleat’ is the sound of ‘Goats'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. Select the answer pair which is related in the same way as the words in the pair given below.

Horse: Neigh

(a) Asses: Trumpet                   (b) Asses: Bray

(c) Asses: Bark                            (d) Asses: Roar

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: ‘Neigh’ is the sound of ‘Horses’ and similarly ‘Bray’ is the sound of ‘Asses’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


(f)         Problems Based on Animals and their Off springs

In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an animal and another word is the Offspring (young one) of that animal. The same relation is presented by the pair of words in the answer.

Example 1:    Colt: Horse :: Calf: Cow

Explanation:   A ‘Colt’ is the young one of a ‘Horse’ and in the same way a ‘Calf’ is the young one of a ‘Cow’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Lion: Cub :: Sheep : Lamb

Explanation:   A ‘Cub’ is the young one of a ‘Lion’ and in the same way a ‘Lamb’ is the young one of a ‘Sheep’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. Which of the following options has the similar relationship as Tat' and ‘Kitten' have?

(a) Dog and Puppy                    (b) Dog and foul

(c) Dog and Calf                         (d) Dog and Colt

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Kitten’ is the young one of a ‘Cat’ and similarly a ‘Puppy’ is the young one of a ‘Dog’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. If ‘Duck’ is related to ‘Duckling’, then which of the following is related to ‘Chicken’?

(a) Horse                                   (b) Lion

(c) Cock                                      (d) Ass

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘Duckling’ is the young one of a ‘Duck’ and in the same way a ‘Chicken’ is the young one of a ‘Cock’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


(g)        Problems Based on Individual and Group Relationship

In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an individual and the another word is the group of that particular individual. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words given in the answer.

Example 1:    Army : Soldiers :: Band: Musicians

Explanation:   An ‘Army’ is a group of ‘Soldiers’ and in the same way a ‘Band’ is a group of ‘Musicians’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Bunch : Flowers :: Bundle : Sticks

Explanation:   A ‘Bunch’ is a collection of ‘Flowers’ and in the same way a ‘Bundle’ is a collection of ‘Sticks’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. Choose the pair of words which is related in the same way as the words in the pair ‘Chain’: 'Mountain'.

(a) Flock: Sheep                  (b) Flock: Army

(c) Flock: Musicians         (d) Flock: Flowers

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Chain’ is a group of 'Mountains' and in the same way a ‘Flock’ is a group of 'Sheep'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. 'People' and 'Crowd' have same relation as 'Robbers' and ____ have.

(a) Swarm                                  (b) Flock

(c) Heard                                   (d) Gang

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Crowd' is a group of 'People' and in the same way a 'Gang' is a group of 'Robbers'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


(h)        Problems Based on Individual and Dwelling Place

Under such questions, a pair of words presents a relationship between individual and the dwelling place (living place) of that particular individual. The same relationship has to be discovered from answer choices of word pairs.

Example 1:    Human: House:: Dog: Kennel

Explanation:  'House' is the home of 'Human' and in the same way 'Kennel' is the home of 'Dog'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Lion: Den:: Horse: Stable

Explanation:   'Den' is the home of 'Lions' and in the same way 'Stable' is the home of 'Horses'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. 'Cow' is related to 'Shed' in the same way as 'Bee' is related to ____.(Fill in the blank)

(a) Apiary                                  (b) Flock

(c) Nest                                      (d) Cave

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Shed' is the home of 'Cows' and in the same way 'Apiary' is the home of 'Bees'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a)


  1. What comes in place of question mark (?)?

? : Nest:: Buffalo : Shed

(a) Tiger                                     (b) Bird

(c) Cat                                        (d) Dog

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: 'Shed' is the home of 'Buffalo' and in the same way 'Nest' is the home of 'Birds'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


(i)         Problems Based on Worker and Working Place Relationship

In such problems, one word of a pair of words is a worker and another word of a pair of words is the working place of that particular worker. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words in the answer.

Example 1:    School: Teacher:: Hospital: Doctor

Explanation:   A 'School' is the working place of a 'Teacher' and a 'Hospital' is the working place of a 'Doctor'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Clerk: Office:: Chef: Kitchen

Explanation:   A 'Clerk' works in the 'Office' and similarly a 'Chef’ works in the 'Kitchen'. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. Find the suitable word to replace the question mark (?).

Court: Lawyer:: Restaurant: ?

(a) Waiter                      (b) Doctor

(c) Clerk                         (d) Teacher

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Court’ is the working place for a ‘Lawyer’ and similarly a ‘Waiter’ works in a ‘Restaurant’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. If ‘Engineer’ is related to ‘Site’, then ‘Warrior’ is related to which of the following?

(a) Playground                (b) Stage

(c) College                           (d) Battlefield

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: ‘Site’ is the working place for an ‘Engineer’ and in the same way the working place for a ‘Warrior’ is ‘Battlefield’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


(j)         Problems Based on Worker and Product Relationship

Such problems present one word as worker and another word as product produced by that particular worker. The same relationship is shown by the pair of words in the answer.

Example 1:    Writer : Book :: Mason : Wall

Explanation:   ‘Book’ is written (produced) by a ‘Writer’ and in the same way ‘Wall’ is built (produced) by a ‘Mason’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Song : Singer :: Poem: Poet

Explanation:   A ‘Song’ is sung (produced) by a ‘Singer’ and similarly a ‘Poem’ is written by a ‘Poet’. Hence, the two pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. If ‘Farmer’ is related to ‘Crop’ then which of the following options is related to food?

(a) Lawyer                     (b) Barber     

(c) Cook                        (d) Cobbler

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘Crop’ is produced by a 'Farmer' and in the same way ‘Food’ is cooked by a ‘Cook’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


  1. What will come in place of question mark?

Author: Novel::?: Furniture

(a) Carpenter                  (b) Goldsmith

(c) Blacksmith               (d) Doctor

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Novel’ is written (produced) by an ‘Author’ and similarly ‘Furniture’ is made (produced) by a ‘Carpenter’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


(k)        Problems Based on Worker and Too! Relationship

Such problems are based on workers and their working tools. Therefore, in the given pair of words, one word represents a worker and the another word is the working tool of that particular worker.

Example 1:    Pen: Writer:: Scissors: Barber

Explanation:   A ‘Writer’ writes with a ‘Pen’ (working tool for a writer) and in the same way a ‘Barber’ does hair cutting with ‘Scissors’ (working tool for a barber). Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Surgeon: Foreceps :: Tailor : Sewing Machine

Explanation:   A ‘Forceps’ is a working tool for a ‘Surgeon’ and in the same way a ‘Sewing Machine’ is a working tool for a ‘Tailor'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What comes in place of question mark?

Typist: Typewriter:: Hunter:?

(a) Pen                                      (b) Scissors

(c) Computer                  (d) Gun

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Typewriter' is a working tool for a 'Typist'. Similarly, 'Gun' is a working tool for a 'Hunter'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


  1. If 'Guitar' is related to 'Musician' then which of the following is related to 'Cook'?

(a) Computer                  (b) Drum

(c) Painting brush            (d) Knife

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Guitar' is a working tool of a 'Musician' and in the same way a

'Knife' is a working tool for a 'Cook' as he uses knife to cut vegetables.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).

(l)         Problems Based on Association Relationship

The items in the given word pair are inter-related in such type of problems. In other words, the 1st term in the given word pair is associated with the 2nd term in some respect.

Example 1:    Time: Clock:: Ink: Pen

Explanation:   'Time' and 'Clock' is associated with each other and similarly 'Ink' is associated with 'Pen'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:     Piano: Music:: Sickle: Agriculture

Explanation:   A 'Piano' is a musical instrument. Therefore, it is associated with 'Music'. Similarly, agriculture is the main work of a 'Sickle' and this is the reason, a sickle is associated with 'Agriculture'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. If 'Chef is related to 'Food' then, a 'Player' is related to which of the following?

(a) Games                                  (b) Education

(c) Medicine                               (d) Business

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Food' is the work of a 'Chef’. It does mean a chef is associated with food» Similarly, a 'Player' is one, who plays 'Games', Therefore, a player is associated with games.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. What comes in place of question mark?

E-mail: Internet::?: Entertainment

(a) Cycle                                    (b) Cinema

(c) Science                                (d) Politics

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: 'E-mail' generates through the ‘Internet’. It does mean E-mail is associated with internet. Similarly, 'Cinema' is a mode of 'Entertainment'.

Therefore, it is associated with entertainment

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


(m)       Problems Based on Finished Product and Raw Material Relationship

In such problems, one of the words in the word pair is the end/finished product and another word is related to the raw material used to produce the end/finished product.

Example 1:    Flour: Bread:: Grape : Wine

Explanation:   'Bread' is made of 'Flour' and in the same way 'Wine' is made of 'Grapes'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Juice: Fruits:: Curd: Milk

Explanation:   'Juice' is prepared from 'Fruits' and in the same way 'Curd' is prepared from 'Milk'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What comes in place of question mark?

Egg: Omlette :: ?: Sauce

(a) Paper                       (b) Computer

(c) Pen                            (d) Tomato

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Omlette' is prepared from 'Eggs' and in the same way ‘Sauce’ is prepared from ‘Tomato’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


  1. If ‘Mustard’ is related to ‘Oil’ then ‘Latex’ is related to which of the following?

(a) Rubber                                (b) Fabric

(c) Milk                                      (d) Sweets

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: ‘Oil’ is made of ‘Mustard’ and in the same way ‘Rubber’ is made of ‘Latex’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


(n)        Problems Based on Sequential Relationship

Such problems are based on sequence. The 1st word in the given pair of words stands for something and comes just before precedes what the 2nd word in the pair of words stands for.

Example 1:    One: Two:: Six: Seven

Explanation:   ‘One’ comes just before ‘Two’ and similarly ‘Six’ comes just before ‘Seven’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Day: Night:: Morning: Evening

Explanation:   ‘Day’ comes just before ‘Night’ and similarly ‘Morning’ comes just before ‘Evening’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. ‘January’ is related to ‘February’ and in the same way ‘March’ is related to………..

(a) May                                     (b) December

(c) June                                     (d) April

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: ‘January’ comes just before ‘February’ and similarly, ‘March’ will come just before ‘April’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


  1. What comes in place of the question mark?

Five: Six:: Eleven:?

(a) Three                                    (b) Twelve

(c) Ten                                          (d) Nine

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: ‘Six’ comes just after ‘Five’ and in the same way ‘Twelve’ comes just after ‘Eleven’.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b)


(o)        Problems Based on Utility Relationship

The word pair in such problems consists of words which have the relationship between an article and the purpose for which it is used.

Example1:    Chair: Sitting:: Bed: Sleeping

Explanation:   A 'Chair' is used for 'Sitting' and in the same way a 'Bed' is used for 'Sleeping'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Pen: Writing:: Gun: Killing

Explanation:   A 'Pen' is used for 'Writing' and in the same way a 'Gun' is used for 'Killing'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. 'Cell' is to 'Talking' as 'book' is to …….

(a) Writing                       (b) Reading

(c) Cooking                      (d) Playing

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: 'Cell' is used to 'Talk' and in the same way a 'Book' is used for 'Reading'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


  1. Select the pair of words which is related in the same way as the words given in the question.

Oil: Cooking::.......... : ..............

(a) Cloth: Wearing           (b) Book: Writing

(c) Pen: Painting                 (d) Pencil: Reading

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Oil' is used for 'Cooking' and similarly, 'Cloth' is used for 'Wearing'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


(p)        Problems Based on Whole and Part Relationship

In such problems, the word pairs have one word as a thing and the another word as a part of that particular thing.

Example 1:    Body: Finger:: Computer: Mouse

Explanation:   A 'Finger' is a part of 'Body' and similarly a 'Mouse' is a part of a 'Computer'. Hence, the given pairs of words, exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Room: Flat f: Glass: Spectacles

Explanation:   A 'Room' is a part of a 'Flat' and in the same way 'Glass' is a part of 'Spectacles'. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What comes in place of the question mark?

Nail: Finger:: Knee:?

(a) Hand                                    (b) Eyes

(c) Leg                                        (d) Mouth

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: 'Nail' is a part of 'Finger' and in the same way ‘knee’ is a part of 'Leg'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


  1. A 'Page' is a part of 'Book' and in the same way a 'Plot' is a part of a............

(a) Land                                    (b) Palace

(c) Town                                    (d) Country

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Page' is a part of a 'Book' and similarly, a ‘Plot’ is a smaller segment of a 'Land'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


(q)        Problems Based on Part and Part Relationship

Such problems present both words in a pair as parts of something.

Example 1:    Mouse: Keyboard:: Door: Window

Explanation:   'Mouse' and 'Keyboard' are parts of a computer and in the same way 'Door' and 'Window' are parts of a house. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.

Example 2:    Stem: Leaves:: Eyes: Ears

Explanation:   'Stem' and 'Leaves' are parts of a tree and similarly 'Eyes' and 'Ears' are parts of body. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What comes in place of the question mark?

Pillow: Bedsheet::?: Engine

(a) Bogie                                    (b) Body

(c) Tree                                       (d) Milk

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: 'Pillow' and 'Bedsheet' are the parts of a bed and in the same way 'Bogie' and 'Engine' are the parts of a train.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. 'Petal' is related to 'Pollen' and in the same way January is related to………..

(a) Day                            (b) Leaves

(c) Week                       (d) December

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Petal' and 'Pollen' are parts of a flower and similarly 'January' and 'December' are parts of a year Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


(r)        Problems Based on Place/Sites and Location Relationship

In such problems, the given pairs of words have one word as place/site and another word as the location of that particular place/site.

Example 1:    Red Fort: Delhi:: Taj Mahal: Agra

Explanation:   'Red Fort' is located in 'Delhi' and in the same way 'Taj' Mahal' is located in 'Agra'.

Example 2:    Rajasthan: Jaipur:: Patna : Bihar

Explanation:   Jaipur' is located in the Indian state of 'Rajasthan' and in the same way the city of 'Patna' is located in the Indian state of 'Bihar'.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. If ‘Delhi’ is related to ‘India’, then ‘London’ is related to which of the following?

(a) America                    (b) France

(c) England                    (d) Germany

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: ‘Delhi’ is a city located in ‘India’ and similarly, ‘London’ is a city located in 'England'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


  1. A pair of words is given as, ‘Jama Masjid: Delhi’. Find the another pair exhibiting the same analogy.

(a) Golghar: Jaipur          (b) Golghar: Patna

(c) Golghar: Ranchi         (d) Golghar: India

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: Pattern of the problem is based on monument and its city wise location. 'Jama Masjid' is located in the city of 'Delhi' and in the same way 'Golghar' is located in the city of 'Patna'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


(s)        Miscellaneous Problems

The types of problems discussed so far are the most common and basic forms of analogy. But, point to be noted that patterns of analogy can be endless and therefore, it is not possible to discuss all. This is the reason that students may see some miscellaneous patterns of analogy. But, this is a fact that if students understand the given patterns properly, they will find it very easy to catch various miscellaneous patterns also.

Example 1:    AC: EG:: LN: PR




Example 2:     Red Light: Danger:: Green Light: Go ahead

Explanation:   'Red Light' is a sign of 'Danger' and in the same way 'Green Light' is a sign of 'Go ahead'.


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What comes in place of the question mark?

Dog: Animal :: Parrot:?

(a) Insect                       (b) Sparrow

(c) Human                                 (d) Bird

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Dog' is an 'Animal' and in the same way 'Parrot' is a 'Bird'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


  1. 'Lion' is related to 'Meat' and in the same way 'Cow' is related to.........

(a) Chicken                    (b) Mutton

(c) Beef                         (d) Grass

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Lion' is a 'Meat' eating animal and similarly, 'Cow' is a 'Grass' eating animal.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


Commonly Asked Question

  1. What will come in place of the question mark?

Lahore: Pakistan::?: America

(a) Canada                    (b) India

(c) England                    (d) New York

(e) None of these


Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Lahore' is a city in 'Pakistan' and in the same way 'New York' is a city in 'America'

Rest of the options is incorrect because (a), (b) and (c) are the names of countries and option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (d).


  1. Fill in the blank space.

Happiness: Sorrow:: Poor:……...

(a) Fat                           (b) Thin

(c) Rich                         (d) Large

(e) None of these


Answer: (c)

Explanation: The 1st pair shows opposite relationship and therefore, following the same pattern the word opposite to 'Poor' will come in place of blank space and the word opposite to 'Poor' is 'Rich'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


  1. If ‘A’ is related to 'B' then, 'E' is related to which of the following?

(a) G                                         (b) F

(c) D                             (d) L

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)

Explanation: The given problem is based on sequential relationship. A comes just before 'B' in the English alphabet and in the same way 'E' comes just before ‘F' in the English alphabet. Hence, (b) will be the correct answer choice, Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


  1. 'Start' is to 'Begin' as 'Big' is to.................

(a) Large                                    (b) Small

(c) Short                                    (d) Long

(e) None of these


Answer: (a)

Explanation: Problem is based on synonymous relationship. 'Start' and 'Begin' are synonymous and similarly, 'Big' and Large' are synonymous.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


  1. Fill in the blank.

Bear: Cub::............ : Kitten

(a) Dog                                      (b) Cow

(c) Tiger                                     (d) Cat

(e) None of these

Answer: (d)

Explanation: 'Cub' is the young one of a 'Bear' and similarly a 'Kitten' is the young one of a 'Cat'.

Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).














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