7th Class Mental Ability Analogy 372 Analogy


Category : 7th Class





Analogy is a similarity between like features of two things on which comparison may be based in terms of reasoning,  the meaning of analogy is logical similarity in two or more things. This similarity may be on the basis of properties, kinds, traits, shapes etc.

Analogy plays a significant role in problem solving such as decision making, perception, memory, creativity, emotion, explanation and communication, it lies behind basic tasks such as the identification of places, objects, etc.



            Money : Bank : : Book: Library

            Explanation: 1st pair- Money: Bank (Thing and a place where it is kept).

            2nd pair- Book: Library (Thing and a place where it is kept).

            As ‘Money’ is deposited in ‘Bank’, similarly a ‘Book’ is deposited in a ‘Library’.

            Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship in a logical way. Hence, both pairs are analogous.



            Nose : Smell : : Skin : Feel

            Explanation: 1st pair - Nose: Smell (Body part and its utility relationship).

            2nd pair – Skin : Feel (Body part and its utility relationship).

            We smell (a type of sensation) with nose (a body part); similarly we feel (a type of Sensation something when it touches our skin (a body part),

            Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship (body part and its utility relationship). Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.


       Types of Problems

            Problems based on analogy may be of different types.


            Problems Based on Synonymous Relationship

            In such problems, the words given in one pair having same meaning and relationship has to be found in another pair.



            Hard : Tough : : Wrong : Untrue

            Explanation; 1st pair-Hard: Tough (Synonymous relationship).

            2nd pair-Wrong: Untrue (Synonymous relationship).



            Sad : Sorrow : : Happy : Joy

            Explanation: 1st pair – Sad : Sorrow (Synonymous relationship).

            2nd pair – Happy : Joy (Synonymous relationship).


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question:

            Baby : Infant : : _________ : ________

            (a) Cub : Bear                   (b) Country : Continent

            (c) Girl : Woman              (d) Film : Movie

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: Option (d) is correct because “Baby” and ‘Infant’ are synonymous words. In the same manner ‘Film’ and ‘Movie’ are also the synonymous words. Rest of the options is incorrect because words in options (a), (b) and (c) have small- big relationship. Option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (d).


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Catch : Capture : : ________ : ________

            (a) Hot : Cold                                    (b) Cheap : Expensive

            (c) Docile : Obedient                       (d) Empty : Full

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: Option (c) is correct because ‘Catch’ and ‘Capture’ have similar meaning. In the same manner ‘Docile’ and ‘Obedient’ have also the similar meaning. Rest of the options is incorrect because words in options (a), (b) and (d) have opposite relationship. Option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (c).

            Problems Based on Opposite Relationship

            In such problems, the pair of words given in the question are opposite to each other in meaning.

            Similarly, the pair of words in the answer must be opposite in meaning.



            Attack : Defend : : Cruel : Kind

            Explanation: The first pair of words ‘Attack’ and ‘Defend’ have opposite meaning. Similarly the words ‘Cruel’ and ‘Kind’ have opposite meaning. As both pairs show similar relationship in a logical way, both the  pairs are analogous; or it is said that both pairs exhibit analogy.




            Never : Always : : Slim : Fat

            Explanation: 1st pair – Never : Always (opposite relationship).

            2nd pair – Slim : Fat (opposite relationship)

            Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship opposite relationship. Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Destroy : Construct : : ______ : ______

            (a) War : Peace                                (b) Father : Son

            (c) Soldier : Regiment                     (d) Eye : Camera

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: Option (a) is correct because ‘Destroy’ and ‘Construct’ have opposite meaning. In the same  manner ‘War’ and ‘Peace’ have also the opposite meaning.

            Rest of the options is incorrect because words in option (b) and (c) have small-big relationship while ‘Eye’ and ‘Camera’ have functionally same meaning. Option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (a).


            Problems Based on Cause and Effect Relationship

            A cause and effect analogy is a pair of words whose relationship has two parts. One word of a pair is an action and another word is the effect of that particular action. For example, rain: wet. Rain is the action that is occurring. The  effect is wet. Wet is the resulting action caused by the rain. Here are some other examples you can read through to become more familiar with cause and effect analogies.



            Accident : Carefulness : : Disease : Cleanliness

            Explanation: We can avert accident by carefulness. In the same way. We can avoid a lot of diseases by being clean. Thus, both pairs exhibit cause and effect analogy.



            Cut : Bleed : : Burn : Irritate

            Explanation: A cut on a body part can result in bleeding. Similarly, a burn anywhere on the body can cause irritation. Thus, both the pairs exhibit cause and effect analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Joke : Laughter : : _______ : _______

            (a) Wine : Grape             (b) Tragedy : Sadness

            (c) Bow : Arrow               (d) Doodle : Draw

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: Option (b) is correct. As joke makes you laugh in the same way tragedy makes you sad. Clearly both pairs ‘Joke: Laughter and Tragedy: Sadness show similar relationship in a logical way.


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            War : Destruction : : ________ : _______

            (a) Stress : Anxiety           (b) Loss : Recover

            (c) Welcome : Friend        (d) Seat : Eat

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: Option (a) is correct. As War causes Destruction in the same way Stress causes Anxiety therefore  both pairs War : Destruction and Stress : Anxiety show similar relationship.


            Problems Based on Gender Relationship

            In such problems, pair of words exhibit male and female relationship and same relationship is established by another pair of words



            Horse : Mare : : Bull : Cow

            Explanation: Mare is the female of Horse in the same way Cow is the female of Bull.



            Sow : Boar : : Ewe : Ram

            Explanation: Boar is the female of Sow in the same way Ewe is the female of Ram.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question

            Eagle : Eaglet : : ______ : ______

            (a) Calf : Cow                (b) Fox : Cub

            (c) Pup : Fish                 (d) Bull : Kitten

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Lion : Lioness : : ________ : ________

            (a) Insect : Larva            (b) Dog : Bitch

            (c) Cat : Kitten                (d) Swan : Duck

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: A ‘Lion’ is a male while a ‘Lioness’ is a female lion. Similarly, a ‘Dog’ is a male animal while a ‘Bitch’ is a female dog. Hence, both pairs of words exhibit analogy.


            Problems Based on Animals and Sound Relationship

            In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an animal and another word is the sound of that animal. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words in the answer.



            Crow : Caw : : Owl : Hoot

            Explanation: A ‘Crow’ makes the sound like ‘Caw’. In the same way, an ‘Owl’ makes the sound like ‘Hoot’.  Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship (Animals and Sound Relationship). Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.



            Ass : Bray : : Lamb : Bleat

            Explanation: “Bray” is the sound of ‘Asses’. In the same way “Bleat” is the sound of lamb”.

            Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship (Animals and Sound Relationship), Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Mice : Squeak : : ______ : ______

            (a) Lamb : Frisk                          (b) Cock : Strut

            (c) Owl : Flit                                 (d) Hen : Cackle

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: As a ‘Mice’ makes the sound like ‘Squeak’ a ‘Hen’ makes the sound like ‘Cackle’. The pairs in options (a), (b) and (c) show the relation between animal and their movement and thus ruled out. Option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (d).


Commonly Asked Questions

            Problems Based on Animals and Their Offspring

            In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an animal and another word is the offspring (young one) of that animal. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words in the answer.


            Lion : Cub : : Horse : Foal

            Explanation: A ‘Cub’ is the young one of a ‘Lion’ and similarly a ‘Foal’ is the young one of a ‘Horse’. Hence, both pairs exhibit analogy.



            Goat : Kid : : Sheep : Lamb

            Explanation: A ‘Kid’ is the young one of a ‘Goat’ and in the same way a ‘Lamb’ is the young one of a ‘Sheep’.  Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Swan : Cygnet : : ______ : ______

            (a) Insect : Larva                         (b) Farmer : Field

            (c) Cricket : Pitch                        (d) Curtain : Drapery

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: As ‘Cygnet’ is the young one of ‘Swan’, a ‘Larva’ is the young one of ‘Insect’


            Problems Based on Individual and Group Relationship

            In such problems, one word of a pair of words is an individual and the another word is the group of that particular individual. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words given in the answer.



            Bees : Hive : : Sheep : Flock

            Explanation: ‘Hive’ is a group of ‘Bees’ and in the same way a ‘Flock’ is a group of ‘Sheep’.



            Board : Directors : : Chorus : Singers

            Explanation: ‘Board’ is a group of ‘Directors’ and in the same way a ‘Chorus’ is a group of ‘Singers’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Bunch: Keys : : ________ : ________

            (a) Band : Mowers                      (b) Animals : Zoo

            (c) Swarm : Ants                         (d) Both (b) and(c)

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: A ‘Bunch’ is a collection of ‘Keys’ and in the same way a ‘Swarm’ is a group of ‘Ants’ Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Band : Musician : : _________ : _________

            (a) Sculptor : Cheese                   (b) Clump : Trees

            (c) Race : Track                             (d) Bells : Chime

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: A ‘Band’ is a group of ‘Musician’, in the same way a ‘Clump’ is a group of ‘Trees’.


            Problems Based on Individual and Dwelling Place

            Under such questions, a pair of words presents a relationship between individual and the dwelling place (living place) of that particular individual. The same relationship has to be discovered from answer choices of word pairs.



            Monk : Monastery : : Horse : Stable

            Explanation: ‘Monastery’ is the home of ‘Monk’ and in the same way ‘Stable’ is the home of ‘Horse’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.



            Grains : Granary : : Guns : Armory

            Explanation: ‘Granary’ is store house of ‘Grains’ and in the same way ‘Armoury’ is store house of ‘Guns’.  Hence, both pair of the words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Question.

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Fish : Aquarium : : ________ : ________

            (a) Wine : Cellar                         (b) Chair : Furniture

            (c) Rat : Rodent                         (d) Surgeon : Scalpel

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘Fish’ are kept in ‘Aquarium’ and in the same way a ‘Wine’ is kept in ‘Cellar’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Animal: Zoo : : ________ : ________

            (a) Shirt : Garment                        (b) Cattle : Low

            (c) Aeroplane : Hangar                 (d) Eagle : Swoop

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)


            Problems Based on Worker and Working Place Relationship

            In such problems, one word is a worker and another word is the working place of that particular worker. The same relationship is presented by the pair of words in the answer.



            Teacher : School : : Doctor : Hospital

            Explanation: A ‘Teacher’ works in a ‘School’ and in the same way a ‘Doctor’ works in a ‘Hospital’. In other words, school (place to teach) is a working place for a teacher and in the same way hospital (place for medical care) is a working place for a doctor. Hence, both pairs are analogous and it is said that both pairs exhibit analogy.



            News Reader : Studio : : Judge : Court

            Explanation: ‘Studio’ is the working place for a ‘News Reader’ and similarly a ‘Judge’ works in a ‘Court’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Cook : Kitchen : : ________ : _______

            (a) Architect : Design                               (b) Lawyer : Court

            (c) Actor : Acting                                       (d) Editor : Newspaper

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: A ‘Lawyer’ works in the ‘Court’ and similarly a ‘Cook’ works in the ‘Kitchen’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Beautician : Parlour : : _______ ‘ _______.,

            (a) Blacksmith : Anvil                  (b) Clerk : Office

            (c) Sailor : Ship                             (d) Both (b) and (c)

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: Option (d) is correct. As a parlour is the work place for a in the same way office is the work place for a clerk and ship is the work place for a sailor. Therefore, these three pairs of words ‘beautician: parlour, clerk:  office and sailor: ship’ show similar relationship.


            Problems Based on Worker and Product Relationship

            Such problems present one word as worker and another word as product produced by that particular worker. The same relationship is shown by the pair of words in the answer



            Carpenter : Furniture : : Cobbler : Shoes

            Explanation: A ‘Carpenter’ makes the ‘Furniture’ and in the same way a ‘Cobbler’ makes the ‘Shoes’. Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship in a logical way. Hence, both pairs are analogous and it is said that both pairs exhibit analogy.



            Producer : Movie : : Chef : Food

            Explanation: A ‘Movie’ is made (produced) by a ‘Producer’ and in the same way ‘Food’ is cooked (produced) by a ‘Chef. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            If ‘Writer’ is related to ‘Book’ then which of the following options is related to ‘Lyric’

            (a) Doctor                                  (b) Engineer

            (c) Lyricist                                  (d) Cobbler

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: Option (c) is correct because ‘Book’ is written by a ‘Writer’ and in the same way ‘Lyric’ is written by a ‘Lyricist’.

            Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c)


            What will come in place of question mark (?)

            Mason : Wall : : Clay pots : ?

            (a) Carpenter                              (b) Potter

            (c) Blacksmith                            (d) Doctor

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: Option (b) is correct because a ‘Wall’ is built (produced) by a ‘Mason’ and similarly a ‘Clay pots’ are made (produced) by a ‘Potter’.

            Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


            Problems Based on Worker and Tool Relationship

            Such problems are based on workers and their working tools. Therefore, in the given pair of words, ‘one word represents a worker and the another word is the working tool of that particular worker.



            Piano : Musician : : Gun : Hunter

            Explanation: A ‘Piano’ is a working tool for a ‘Musician’ and in the same way a ‘Gun’ is a working tool for a ‘Hunter’. Clearly, both pairs show similar relationship in a logical way. Hence, both pairs are analogous.



            Pen : Writer : : Forceps : Surgeon

            Explanation: ‘Pen’ is a working tool for a ‘Writer’. Similarly, ‘Forceps’ is a working tool for a ‘Surgeon’. Hence, both pairs of given words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Butcher : Chopper : : _______ , _______

            (a) Judge : Justice                       (b) Bricklayer : Trowel

            (c) Cobbler : Awl                           (d) Both (b) and(c)

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: A ‘Chopper’ is the working tool of a ‘Butcher’. In the same way ‘Trowel’ is the working tool of a ‘Bricklayer’ and an ‘Awl’ is the working tool of a ‘Cobbler’


            Select the pair which is related in the same way as the pair of words given in the question.

            Carpenter : Saw : : ________ : ________

            (a) Gardener : Harrow                 (b) Axe : Grind

            (c) Shovel : Scoop                        (d) Oar : Row

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: A ‘Saw’ is the working tool of a ‘Carpenter’. In the same way, a ‘Harrow’ is the working tool of a ‘Gardener’.


            Problems Based on Association Relationship

            The items in the given word pair are inter-related in such type of problems. In other words, the 1st term in the given word pair is associated with the 2nd term in some respect.


            Time : Watch : : Image : Camera

            Explanation: ‘Time’ and ‘Watch’ are associated with each other and similarly ‘Image’ is ‘associated’ with ‘Camera’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            Harmonium : Music : : Stump : Cricket

            Explanation: A ‘Harmonium’ is a musical instrument. Therefore, it is associated with ‘Music’. Similarly, stump is used in the game of cricket.


            ‘Farmer’ is related to ‘Agriculture’ then, a ‘Singer’ is related to which of the following?

            (a) Music                          (b) Education

            (c) Medicine                    (d) Business

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘Agriculture’ is the work of a ‘Farmer’. Similarly, a ‘Singer’ is one who sings. Therefore, singer is associated with ‘Music’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            What comes in place of the question mark (?)?

            Stadium : Football : : ? : Entertainment

            (a) Sports                       (b) Television

            (c) Science                     (d) Politics

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: ‘Football’ is played in ‘Stadium’. It means football is associated with stadium. Similarly, ‘Television’ is a mode of ‘Entertainment’. Therefore, it is associated with entertainment. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


            Problems Based on Finished Product and Raw Material Relationship

            In such problems, one of the words in the word pair is the end / finished product and another word is related to the raw material used to produce the end / finished product.

            Wood : Furniture : : Gold : Ornaments

            Explanation: ‘Furniture’ is made of ‘Wood’ and in the same way ‘Ornaments’ are made of ‘Gold’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            Milk : Ghee : : Yarn : Fabric

            Explanation: ‘Ghee’ is prepared from ‘Milk’ and in the same way ‘Fabric’ is made from ‘Yarn’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            What comes in place of the question mark (?)?

            Pulp : Paper : : ? : Sweets

            (a) Rice                          (b) Egg

            (c) Pulse                        (d) Milk

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: ‘Paper’ is made from ‘Pulp’ and in the same way are prepared from ‘Milk’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


            If ‘Grape’ is related to ‘Wine’ then ‘Bread’ is related to which of the following?

            (a) Flour                        (b) Curd

            (c) Milk                          (d) Fruits

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘Wine’ is made of ‘Grape’ and in the same way ‘Bread’ is prepared    from ‘Flour’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            Problems Based on Sequential Relationship

            Such problems are based on sequence’. The 1st word in the given pair of words stands for something and comes just before what the 2nd word in the pair stands for.



            100 : 101 : : 1002 : 1003

            Explanation: ‘100’ comes just before ‘101’ and similarly ‘1002’ comes just before ‘1003’.

            Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            March : April : : November : December

            Explanation: ‘March’ comes just before ‘April’ and similarly “November” comes just before ‘December’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions          

            ‘Tuesday’ is related to ‘Wednesday’ and in the same way ‘Sunday’ is related to’.

            (a) Friday                        (b) Tuesday

            (c) Saturday                   (d) Monday

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: ‘Tuesday’ comes just before ‘Wednesday’ and similarly, ‘Sunday’ will come just before ‘Monday’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


            What comes in place of the question mark (?)? 

            Fifty : Fifty one : : Seventy : ?

            (a) Seventy four              (b) Seventy one

            (c) Seventy nine              (d) Seventy eight

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (b)

            Explanation: Because ‘Fifty one’ comes just after ‘Fifty’ and in the same way ‘Seventy one’ comes just after ‘Seventy’ Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (b).


            Problems Based on Utility Relationship

            The word pair in such problems consists of words which have the relationship between an article and the purpose for which it is used.



            Knife : Cutting : : Plate : Eating

            Explanation: A ‘Knife’ is used for ‘Cutting’ and in the same way a ‘Plate’ is used for ‘Eating’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            Book : Reading : : Pen : Writing

            Explanation: A ‘Book’ is used for ‘Reading’ and in the same way a ‘Pen’ is used for ‘Writing’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy


            ‘Broom’ is to ‘Cleaning’ as ‘Guitar’ is to ………..

            (a) Writing                      (b) Wearing

            (c) Cooking                     (d) Playing

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: A ‘Broom’ is used for ‘Cleaning’ and in the same way a ‘Guitar’ is used for ‘Playing’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


            Select the pair of words which is related in the same way as the words given in the question.

            Phone : Talking : : ………. : ............

            (a) Chair : Sitting             (b) Chair : Writing

            (c) Cloth : Painting          (d) Chair : Reading

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘Phone’ is used for ‘Talking’ and similarly, ‘Chair’ is used for ‘Sitting’ Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            Problems Based on Whole and Part Relationship

            Some analogies compare PART of something to its WHOLE (or they might compare something WHOLE to its PART). Here’s an example of a PART to WHOLE analogy.



            Body : Legs : : Computer : Mother board

            Explanation: ‘Legs’ are part of ‘Body’ and similarly, a ‘Mother board’ is the part of a ‘Computer’. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            Hair : Head : : Glass : Spectacles    

            Explanation: ‘Hair’ is part of ‘Head’ and in the same way ‘Glass’ is a part of ‘Spectacles’

            Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


Commonly Asked Questions

            What comes in place of the question mark (?)?

            Door : House : : Bonnet : ?

            (a) Television                  (b) Computer

            (c) Car                              (d) Magazine

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: ‘Door’ is a part of ‘House’ and in the same way ‘Bonnet’ is a part of ‘Car’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c),


            A ‘Wheel’ is a part of ‘Cycle’ and in the same way ‘State’ is a part of a ………..

            (a) Continent                  (b) Island

            (c) Town                          (d) Country

            (e) None of these

            Explanation: A ‘Wheel’ is the part of a ‘Cycle’ and similarly, ‘State’ is the part of a ‘Country’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


            Problems Based on Part and Part Relationship

            Such problems present both words in a pair as parts of something.



            Legs : Hands : : Floor : Roof

            Explanation: ‘Legs’ and ‘Hands’ are parts of a human body and in the same way ‘Floor’ and ‘Roof’ are parts of a building. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.



            Elbow : Knee : : Horn : Clutch

            Explanation: ‘Elbow’ and ‘Knee’ are parts of our body and similarly ‘Horn’ and ‘Clutch’ are parts of motor vehicle. Hence, the given pairs of words exhibit analogy.


            What comes in place of the question mark (?)?

            Flowers : Fruits : : ? : Thursday

            (a) Sunday                     (b) February

            (c) January                    (d) March

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘Flowers’ and ‘Fruits’ are the parts of a plant and in the same way ‘Sunday’ and ‘Thursday’ are the parts of a week. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            ‘P’ is related to ‘X’ and in the same way ‘9’ is related to ………..

            (a) 7                                 (b) D

            (c) Seven                         (d) S

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: ‘P’ and ‘X’ are parts of English alphabet and similarly ‘7’ and ‘9’ are parts of digits. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            Problems Based on Place / Sites and Location Relationship

            In such problems, the given pairs of words have one word as place / site and another word as the location of that particular place / site.



            Lotus Temple : Delhi : : Jal Mahal : Jaipur

            Explanation: ‘Lotus Temple’ is located in ‘Delhi’ and in the same way ‘Jal Mahal’ is located in ‘Jaipur’.



            London : England : : Mumbai : India

            Explanation: ‘London’ is located in ‘England’ and in the same way the city of ‘Mumbai’ is located in ‘India’.


Commonly Asked Questions


            If ‘Kolkata’ is related to ‘India’, then ‘Melbourne’ is related to which of the following?

            (a) Denmark                        (b) France

            (c) Australia                         (d) Germany

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: ‘Kolkata’ is a city located in ‘India’ and similarly, ‘Melbourne’ is a city located in ‘Australia’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c).


            A pair of words is given as ‘Elephanta Caves: Mumbai’. Find the another pair exhibiting the same analogy

            (a) Hawa Mahal : Jaipur                   (b) Hawa Mahal : Patna

            (c) Hawa Mahal : Chandigarh         (d) Hawa Mahal : India

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: The pattern of the problem is based on monument and its citywise location. ‘Elephant Caves’ is located in the city of ‘Mumbai’ and in the same way ‘Hawa Mahal’ is located in the city of ‘Jaipur’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


Miscellaneous Problems

            The types of problems discussed so far are the most common and basic forms of analogy. But point to be noted that patterns of analogy can be endless and therefore/ it is not possible to discuss all. This is the reason that students may see some miscellaneous patterns of analogy. But, this is a fact that if students understand the given patterns properly, they will find it very easy to catch various miscellaneous patterns also.


            Example: EGHI : : LNOP : PRST





            Star : Rank : : Black : Sorrow

            Explanation: ‘Star’ is sign of ‘Rank’ in the army and in the same way ‘Black’ is sign of ‘Sorrow’.


Commonly Asked Questions

            What comes in place of the question mark (?)?

            Snake : Reptile : : Bug :?

            (a) Insect                       (b) Animal

            (c) Human                     (d) Bird

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (a)

            Explanation: Because ‘Snake’ is a ‘Reptile’ and in the same way ‘Bug’ is an ‘Insect.

            Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (a).


            ‘Goat’ is related to ‘Grass’ and in the same way ‘Tiger’ is related to …………..

            (a) Rice                                (b) Fruit

            (c) Vegetables                   (d) Meat

            (e) None of these

            Explanation: Because ‘Goat’ is a ‘Grass’ eating animal and similar ‘Tiger’ is a ‘Meat’ eating animal. Rest of the  options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (d).


            What will come in place of the question mark (?)?

            Wellington : New Zealand : : ? : Philippines

            (a) Hungry                     (b) India

            (c) England                    (d) Manila

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (d)

            Explanation: ‘Wellington’ is a city in ‘New Zealand’ and in the same way ‘Manila’ is a city in ‘Philippines’. Rest of the options is incorrect because (a), (b) and (c) are the names of countries and option (e) is useless because of the correctness of option (d).


            Fill in the blank space,

            Adversity : Prosperity : : Coarse

            (a) Fat                            (b) Thin

            (c) Fine                          (d) Large

            (e) None of these

Ans.     (c)

            Explanation: The 1st pair shows opposite relationship and therefore, following the same pattern the word opposite to ‘Coarse’ will come in place of blank space and the word opposite to ‘Coarse’ is ‘Fine’. Rest of the options is incorrect because of the correctness of option (c)’


























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