Important Dates and Events - Nazism and The Rise of Hitler
Category : 9th Class
1914 - First World War begins
1918 - Weimer Republic is established
1919 - Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany. Hitler joins the 'National Socialist Germany Workers
1929 - The Economic Depression occurs in USA.
1933 - (a) President Roosevelt introduces the New Deal to deal with the Bionomic Depression.
(b) Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
1934 - Hitler becomes President of Germany.
1935 - (a) Italy attacks Ethiopia.
(b) Anglo-German Naval Agreement signed between Britain and Germany.
1936 - (a) A new constitution is introduced by Stalin
(b) Hitler occupies the Rhineland.
(c) Civil War starts in Spain.
1937 - (a) Japan attacks China
(b) Anti-Comintern pact signed by Germany, Japan and Italy.
1938 - (a) Hitler's troops march into Austria.
(b) Munich pact is signed. German troops acquire Sudetenland.
1939 - (a) Germany attacks Czechoslovakia.
(b) Soviet Union signs non-aggression pact with Germany.
(c) 1st September: Germany invades Poland.
(d) 3rd September Britain and France declare war on Germany.
1940 - (a) Italy declares war on Britain and France.
(b) Battle of Britain begins.
(c) Italy attacks Egypt.
(d) Germany invades Norway and Sweden.
(e) France surrenders.
1941 _ (a) 8th April - Germany invades the Balkans.
(b) 22nd June - Germany invades the Soviet Union.
(c) 15th September - Siege of Leningrad by the Germans.
(d) 7th December - Japan attacks Pearl Harbour.
America joins the war.
(e) 11th December - Germany and Italy declare war on America.
1942 - United Nations declaration signed by the representatives of 26 nations.
1943 - Germany and Italy defeated by the Allied powers in North Africa.
1944 - 6th June: D-Day - Opening of the Second Front.
1945 - (a) 25th - 26th August - Liberation of Paris.
(b) 28th April - Italian partisans shoot Mussolini.
(c) 30th April - Hitler commits suicide
(d) 2nd May - Soviet army enters Berlin.
(e) 7th May - Germany surrenders.
(f) 8th May - VE (Victory in Europe) Day celebrated.
(g) 9th May - Stalin announces defeat of the German forces by the Red Army.
German naval fleet surrenders.
(h) 6th August - U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
(i) 8th August - Soviet Union declares war on Japan.
(j) 9th August - U.S. drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
(k) 14th August - Japan surrenders.
(l) 2nd September - The Second World War ends.
(m) 24th October - U.N.O. comes into existence.
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