Important Dates and Events - Socialism In Europe and the Russian Revolution
Category : 9th Class
Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
1861 - The Tsar abolished Serfdom.
1883 - George Plekhanov formed the Russian Social Democratic Party.
1898 - The Russian Social Democratic Party split into two - the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
1904 - Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war. Russia was defeated by Japan.
1905 - (a) Bloody Sunday - On 22nd January, a mass of people were fired at in St. Petersburg
while on their way to present a petition to the Tsar.
(b) The Tsar introduced the October Manifesto which granted freedom of speech, press and association and conferred upon an elected body called the 'Duma' the power to make
1914 - Outbreak of the First World War.
1917 - (a) 8th March: Bread riots broke out.
(b) 15th March: The Romanov dynasty ended with the abdication of the Tsar. Mensheviks under Kerensky came to power. Fall of the Tsar is known as the February Revolution because according to the old Russian calender, it occurred on 27th February.
(c) 7th November: The Bolsheviks under Lenin's leadership overthrew Kerensky's government. This is known as the October Revolution because according to the Russian Calendar, it took place on 25th October.
1917-20 - Civil war breaks out in Russia-The Red Army is opposed by the White Army. The former is victorious.
1924 - A new constitution gives equality to non-Russian nationalities.
1928 - First Five Year Plan started in U.S.S.R.
1929 - Beginning of collectivisation
1991 - Breakup of the Soviet Union
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