JEE Main & Advanced Mathematics Sets Introduction


Category : JEE Main & Advanced

A set is well defined class or collection of objects.


A set is often described in the following two ways.


(1) Roster method or Listing method : In this method a set is described by listing elements, separated by commas, within braces \[\{\,\}\]. The set of vowels of English alphabet may be described as \[\{a,\,\,e,\,\,i,\,\,o,\,\,u\}\].


(2) Set-builder method or Rule method : In this method, a set is described by a characterizing property \[P(x)\] of its elements \[x\]. In such a case the set is described by \[\{x:P(x)\,holds\}\] or \[\{x|P(x)\,holds\},\] which is read as ‘the set of all \[x\] such that \[P(x)\] holds’. The symbol \['|'\] or \[';'\] is read as ‘such that’.


The set \[A=\{0,\,1,\,4,\,9,\,16,....\}\] can be written as \[A=\{{{x}^{2}}|x\in Z\}\].


  • Symbols


Symbol Meaning
\[\Rightarrow \] Implies
\[\in \] Belongs to
\[A\subset B\] A is a subset of B
\[\Leftrightarrow \] Implies and is implied by
\[\notin \] Does not belong to
s.t.(: or |) \[\forall \] Such that For every
\[\exists \] There exists
iff If and only if
& And
\[a|b\] a is a divisor of b
N Set of natural numbers
I or Z Set of integers
R Set of real numbers
C Set of complex numbers
Q Set of rational numbers


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