question_answer1) "Like an individual, business enterprise should also be a loyal citizen to the state." Discuss.
question_answer2) Describe the reality of social responsibilities of a company.
question_answer3) Business ethics and social responsibility are not synonyms but are closely related. Substantiate.
question_answer4) CASE STUDY 1 Maruti Suzuki strives to minimize the carbon footprint of its manufacturing facilities, products and supply chain operations. The Company believes that investing in environment friendly technologies makes business sense as it brings good returns in the medium to long term. The environment policy of the Company promotes energy conservation, 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), green procurement, environment friendly mobility and environment consciousness among its direct stakeholders. Going beyond compliance, the Company works closely with its parent company, Suzuki Motor Corporation, to introduce the latest environment friendly technologies in India, much ahead of statutory requirements. Maruti Suzuki became the first automobile company in India to register a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In due course, the Company will earn tradable carbon credits. The Company sends all its hazardous waste to the cement industry for co-processing. All new vehicles are free of hazardous substances and comply with European End of Life vehicle regulations. The Company is working towards continuously improving the fuel efficiency of its cars. The Company has designed and implemented various initiatives to achieve zero injury and fatality. These included a rigorous work permit system and an online incident reporting system called Work Safe Online, through which incidents including near- miss cases are captured and reported. The Safety and Welfare Department ensures workplace safety, undertakes awareness and training programmes and executes a safety activity plan that is planned and rolled out each month. In addition to plant level safety committees, departmental safety committees have been formed. The Central Safety Leadership Council (CSLC) comprises top management from all business verticals and reviews safety performance of the Company on a quarterly basis. All contractors and service providers working within the Company premises are required to observe 'Safety, Health and Environment' conditions. Separate training and awareness sessions are organised to sensitize them on occupational safety. Source: https:/ /www.marutisuzuki.com/social-performance.aspx Q.1 Quoting lines from the above passage, mention social responsibilities that Maruti Suzuki is fulfilling.
question_answer5) Do you think it will affect earning capacity of the company adversely? Justify your answer.
question_answer6) CASE STUDY 2 Ten years ago only about a dozen Fortune 500 companies issued a CSR or sustainability report. Now the majority does. More than 8,000 businesses around the world have signed the UN Global Compact pledging to show good global citizenship in the areas of human rights, labor standards and environmental protection. The next generation of business leaders is even more likely to prioritize CSR. According to data released this month by Net Impact, the nonprofit that aims to help businesses promote sustainability, 65% of MBAs surveyed say they want to make a social or environmental difference through their jobs. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and jago grahak jago campaigns have made consumers' aware of their rights and businesses cannot afford to ignore their duties towards consumers. Today, amid a lingering recession that has dented corporate profits and intensified pressure from shareholders, companies are devising new CSR models. Rather than staffing a modest CSR department - and slapping it on the org chart as a small offshoot of the public relations (PR) or philanthropy division - many companies are instead trying to embed CSR into their operations because they have realized threat social interest and business interest are closely connected. Workers are no more illiterate. They are aware of their rights and in these situations, companies cannot afford to ignore their duties towards labour. Q.1 Quoting lines from the above passage clarify reality of social responsibility.
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