question_answer1) The animal/ animals which gives/ give milk is/are:
question_answer2) Insects have____________ legs
question_answer3) __________________ is a wild animal.
question_answer4) The figure of the animal shown comes under which group?
question_answer5) (i) I can fly and have feathers. (ii) I have two legs and a beak. (iii) I can lay eggs. Who am I?
question_answer6) A dog lives in a___________________
question_answer7) I will look like a ?horse? when I will grow up who am I?
question_answer8) We get wool from____________________
question_answer9) A tiger lives is a ____________________
question_answer10) Domestic animals live with_______________
question_answer11) Farm animals are used for the production of
question_answer12) Fishes have_____________________
question_answer13) (i) I am king of jungle (ii) I eat flesh of other animals (iii) I belonged to carnivores group
question_answer14) I am called the ?ship of the desert??
question_answer15) Ankur: These animals live on trees. Neha: They do not eat the skin of bananas, they peel the skin of the bananas. Sameer: These are intelligent animals. About which animal they are talking about?
question_answer16) Which of the following is not correctly matched?
question_answer17) Fill In the blank: Cat Kitten Sheep Lamb Bull \[\left[ \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \right]\] Hen Chick
question_answer18) Which of these characteristics are true about this animal in the figure shown above?
question_answer19) Which animal/insect lives in holes?
question_answer20) Which of these birds can?t fly?
question_answer21) Which of the following are the huge animal children enjoy riding on them?
question_answer22) Which of the following eat flesh of dead animals?
question_answer23) Which of the following is called a pet animals?
question_answer24) Which of the following lives in water?
question_answer25) Scales are found on the body of which animal?
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