question_answer1) There is a link between a computer and a user. With the help of, which; one of the following systems this link is possible?
question_answer2) After starting window a screen appears, embedded with lots of icon. By which name this screen is popularly known?
question_answer3) Now days there are lots of OS available in the market. Which one of the following is the example of OS?
question_answer4) Fill in the blanks: 1. ______is a set of command and program. 2. _____ is a set of data. 3. _____ is a place where files are kept. 4. ____ is a symbol which you view on the computer screen.
question_answer5) The operating system is the most important software on your computer as it controls and coordinates all the activities of a computer. What is the other name for operating system?
question_answer6) While working on the computer, you have seen mouse pointer on the desktop. What kind of shape does the mouse pointer have?
question_answer7) Given below the statements about mouse and icon. Select the correct statement. 1. If you want to see the contents of a particular disk, place the pointer on it and single click it. 2. For opening any files/disk, we must double click on the disk by the mouse. 3. The size of small icon is 32 x 32.
question_answer8) Match the following: A B 1. Small icon i. Upper left 2. Taskbar ii. Bottom Left 3. Computer clock iii. Bottom of the desktop
question_answer9) While working on computer Russell has deleted one important file mistakenly. Now he wants to restore the file. From which location he can restore his file.
question_answer10) Select the correct statements: 1. You can use floppy without formatting. 2. After inserting floppy, it is automatically asked for formatting. 3. Exit is a termination command in many operating systems.
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