question_answer1) Who invented the BALL POINT PEN?
question_answer2) What did Galileo invent? (2015)
question_answer3) What did James Watt invent?
question_answer4) What did Benjamin Franklin invent?
question_answer5) Which one of the following is considered as the primary source of information? (2016)
question_answer6) Which one of the following is NOT a gadget?
question_answer7) What is the full form of GPS?
question_answer8) Doctors can see the inside of our body with the help of ______. (2017)
question_answer9) When you left a piece of bread, ____ formation takes place.
question_answer10) Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of gadgets? (2016)
question_answer11) Statement-A: Science made sharing and transfer of information possible from one corner of the world to another. Statement-B: We can share information with the help of mobile phones and internet.
question_answer12) Which of the following is an example of gadgets we use?
question_answer13) Which one is mismatched? (2015)
question_answer14) Who invented Internet?
question_answer15) Statement-A: Heart transplant is possible due to science. Statement-B: The heart controls all activities of our body.
question_answer16) Identify 'X' and 'Y'. (2016) Refrigerator Oliver Evans ?x? Television ?y? Used for entertainment
question_answer17) Match the following: A Electric bulb 1 James watt B Telephone 2 Marconi C Engine 3 Edison D Radio 4 Graham Bell
question_answer18) Which one of the following is invented by Philip Diehl? (2017)
question_answer19) Find the odd one:
question_answer20) In which of the following, science is not involved? (2015)
question_answer21) In which year, was the world's first mobile phone handset released for sale?
question_answer22) Who designed the "First" small computer for home use? (2016)
question_answer23) An instrument to measure temperature is called____. (2017)
question_answer24) Television was invented by____.
question_answer25) Who invented the railway engine?
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