question_answer1) If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that language?
question_answer2) In a certain code, BREAKTHROUGH is written as EAOUHRBRGHKT. How is DISTRIBUTION written in that code?
question_answer3) If 'HGTL' is coded as 'DCRJ', then 'PEQD' is coded as....................
question_answer4) If code for 'OPPOSITE' = 'ETISOPPO', then code for 'TOGETHER' = '?'
question_answer5) If in a code, MIND becomes KGLB and ARGUE becomes YPESC, then what will DIAGRAM be in that code?
question_answer6) If 'KHDFJ' is coded as 'PSWUQ', then how will ?JPMK? be coded?
question_answer7) If code for 'WNK' = 'SJG', then code for TPG' = '?'
question_answer8) In a code language, SOLID is written as WPSLPIIVIFHA. What does the ATEXXQIBVO refer to?
question_answer9) In a certain code language 'A' is coded as '3'; 'B' as '4' ; 'C' is as '5' and so on, then find the code of 'FGBEAADC',
question_answer10) If in a certain code, O is written as E, A as C, M as I, S as O,N as P, E as M, I as A, P as N and C as S, then how will COMPANIES be written in that code?
question_answer11) If MACHINE is coded as 19 - 7 - 9 - 14 - 15 - 20 - 11, how will you code DANGER?
question_answer12) If each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned odd numerical value beginning A = 1, B = 3 and so on, what will be the total value of the letters of the word INDIAN?
question_answer13) If A = 2, M =26, Z = 52, then BET =?
question_answer14) If a = 26, SUN = 27, then CAT =?
question_answer15) If code for 'HZ' = '18', then the code for 'DX' = ....
question_answer16) If 'orange' is called 'butter', 'butter' is called 'soap', 'soap' is called 'ink', 'ink' is called 'honey' and 'honey' is called 'orange', then which one of the following is used for washing clothes?
question_answer17) If 'eraser' is called 'box', 'box is called 'pencil', 'pencil is called 'sharpener' and 'sharpener is called 'bag', what will a child write with?
question_answer18) In a certain code language, '123' means ?bright little boy?, '145' means 'tall big boy' and '637' means 'beautiful little flower'. What digit in that language means 'bright'?
question_answer19) In a certain code language, '253' means 'books are old', '546' means 'man is old' and '378' means 'buy good books'. What stands for 'are' in that code?
question_answer20) If in a certain language, 'oka peru' means fine clothe ?meta lisa? means ?clear water? and 'dona lisa peru' means 'fine clear weather', which word in that language means 'weather'?
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