question_answer1) How many plant and animal species are approximately found in India?
question_answer2) What does 'Natural Vegetation' mean?
question_answer3) What is 'Virgin Vegetation'?
question_answer4) What do 'Flora' and 'Fauna' refer to?
question_answer5) What kind of land is suitable for natural vegetation?
question_answer6) What kinds of soils are needed for natural vegetation?
question_answer7) Why are the western slopes of the western Ghats concerned with thick forests and not the eastern slopes?
question_answer8) Which factors are responsible for changes in India's natural vegetation?
question_answer9) How is an ecosystem formed?
question_answer10) What are biomes?
question_answer11) What are the major types of vegetation found in India?
question_answer12) Which animals are found in Tropical Rain Forests?
question_answer13) Name the commercially important trees of Tropical Rain Forests.
question_answer14) Give one important characteristic of Tropical deciduous forests.
question_answer15) In which regions are moist deciduous forests found?
question_answer16) What are the important species of moist deciduous forests?
question_answer17) In which regions are dry deciduous forests found?
question_answer18) Name the important dry deciduous species.
question_answer19) Name the important coniferous trees of temperate forests.
question_answer20) Name the common animals found in Montane forests.
question_answer21) In which regions are Mangrove forests found?
question_answer22) What is the chief characteristic of Mangrove trees?
question_answer23) In which regions is majestic elephant found?
question_answer24) In which regions are horned rhinoceros are found?
question_answer25) What are the natural habitats of lion and tiger in India?
question_answer26) Name some important birds found in India.
question_answer27) Name some of the important biosphere reserves of India.
question_answer28) How many National Parks and Wild Life Sanctuaries are there in India?
question_answer29) Which wild life projects are set up to save endangered species?
question_answer30) Why-are forests important for human beings?
question_answer31) What is an ecosystem? How do human beings influence the ecology of a region?
question_answer32) Give a brief description of the Tropical Rainforests.
question_answer33) What are the main characteristics of the Thorn Forests and Scrubs?
question_answer34) Give a brief description of the Mangrove Forests.
question_answer35) Give description of any five medicinal plants.
question_answer36) Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna?
question_answer37) What steps have been taken by the government to protect the flora and fauna of the country?
question_answer38) Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna?
question_answer39) What is the importance of various species in the ecosystem?
question_answer40) Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber and. cinchona are the important trees of (a) Tropical deciduous forest (b) Montane forests (c) Mangrove forests (d) Tropical rainforests
question_answer41) The most dominant species of the tropical deciduous forests is (a) Palms (b) Ebony (c) Pine (d) Teak
question_answer42) The wet temperate type of forests are found between a height of (a) 1,000 to 2,000 m (b) 1,500 to 3,000 m (c) 3,000 to 3,600 m (d) 2,500 to 3,000 m
question_answer43) The Royal Bengal Tiger is a famous animal of (a) montane forests (b) mangrove forests (c) tropical rainforests (d) tropical deciduous forests
question_answer44) To which one of the following types of vegetation does rubber belong to? (a) Tundra (b) Tidal (c) Himalayan (d) Tropical evergreen
question_answer45) Define the following terms: (i) Virgin Vegetation (ii) Flora (iii) Fauna
question_answer46) Which relief factors affect the flora and fauna of India?
question_answer47) Describe how climatic factors influence the vegetation cover of India.
question_answer48) Distinguish between Moist Deciduous arid Dry Deciduous Forests.
question_answer49) Give the altitudinal distribution of Montane Forests.
question_answer50) Which animals are found in the Montane Forests?
question_answer51) What is the importance of various species in the ecosystem?
question_answer52) State the main causes which are a threat to the ecosystem.
question_answer53) How is India one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world?
question_answer54) How does soil factor affect the type of vegetation of a region?
question_answer55) What type of flora and fauna do we have in Tropical Rain forests?
question_answer56) Where are elephants and one-horned rhinoceros mainly found and why?
question_answer57) Name any two endangered species of Indian wildlife and write one point each on Project Tiger and Project Rhino.
question_answer58) What is a bio reserve? Give any two examples.
question_answer59) Which are the most widespread forests of India? Mention any two characteristic features of these forests.
question_answer60) Which plants out of algae, fungi, ferns and orchids are flowering plants?
question_answer61) Which Union Territory has the maximum percentage of its area under forest cover?
question_answer62) What kind of vegetation is usually found in fertile level land?
question_answer63) How do forests affect the soil?
question_answer64) Which state of India has the maximum percentage of its area covered by forests?
question_answer65) What are the climatic conditions of Tropical Evergreen forests?
question_answer66) What kinds of forests are found in the areas with less than 70 cm annual rainfall?
question_answer67) What kinds of forests are found in the areas with annual rainfall between 100 and 200cm?
question_answer68) To which type of vegetation does rubber belong to?
question_answer69) Sal trees are found in forests with what amount of annual rainfall?
question_answer70) Which are the most widespread forests in India?
question_answer71) Why are migratory birds from the Northern part of Asia mostly found in winter in the wetlands of India?
question_answer72) Which medicinal plant has both anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties?
question_answer73) What are the common animals found in thorn and scrub forests?
question_answer74) How will you define a sanctuary?
question_answer75) If a species introduced to another environment, it is called as?
question_answer76) What is the main medicinal use of the Sarpagandha plant?
question_answer77) In which of the states of Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Rajasthan are tropical evergreen forests found?
question_answer78) Which major animals are preserved in the Kaziranga, Sunderban, Gir and Simlipal Sanctuary/Reserve?
question_answer79) Are mangrove forests found in the regions where the Narmada and Tapi rivers flow into the Arabian Sea?
question_answer80) In which of the states of Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan are tropical deciduous forests found?
question_answer81) Which trees out of coconut, cactus, acacia and cinchona are found in mangrove forests?
question_answer82) Which wetland of India is very popular with flamingoes which are nesting?
question_answer83) What kinds of commercially important trees are found in tropical evergreen forests?
question_answer84) What is a bio-reserve? Give two examples.
question_answer85) Define an ecosystem.
question_answer86) Name two animals having habitat in tropical and montane type of vegetation.
question_answer87) In which region are the tropical thorn forests and scrubs found in India? Mention any four characteristics of such type of vegetation.
question_answer88) Explain why forests are important for human beings.
question_answer89) Explain any three measures taken by the government to protect the flora and fauna of the country.
question_answer90) How do human beings influence the ecology of a region? Explain.
question_answer91) What are the differences between moist deciduous and dry deciduous forests?
question_answer92) How are thorn forests different from mangrove forests?
question_answer93) Natural vegetation refers to a plant community which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time. This is termed as a virgin vegetation. Thus, cultivated crops and fruits, orchards form part of vegetation but not natural vegetation. Read the above passage and answer the following questions (a) What do you mean by virgin vegetation? (b) How agricultural crops are different from virgin vegetation? (c) What values you have learnt from the given passage?
question_answer94) Identify some medicinal plants in your area. Which plants are used as medicines by local people to cure diseases?
question_answer95) Why are forests very important to human beings and the environment around them? Explain.
question_answer96) What is meant by vegetation? How much natural is the natural vegetation of India today?
question_answer97) Distinguish between flora and fauna.
question_answer98) "In mountainous area, there is change in natural vegetation due to decrease in temperature". Justify giving examples from different zones.
question_answer99) Explain any three characteristics of Tropical evergreen forest.
question_answer100) What are bio-reserves? Why are they created? Or What is biosphere reserve? Mention any two uses of biosphere reserve.
question_answer101) In which part of India, Mangrove forests are found? Mention two characteristics of these forests. Or Explain any three features of Mangrove forests.
question_answer102) A great variety of flora is found in India. Give three geographical factors responsible for this diversification of flora.
question_answer103) In which region are the thorny forests and scrubs found in India? Mention any two characteristics of such type of vegetation. Or Explain any three features of the thorn forests and scrubs.
question_answer104) (a) What will happen if plants and animals disappear from the Earth's surface? (b) Can human beings survive under such a situation? (c) Why is biodiversity necessary and why should it be conserved?
question_answer105) Distinguish between tropical evergreen and deciduous forests.
question_answer106) "Every species has a role to play in the ecosystem". Elaborate the statement.
question_answer107) Which values do the national parks of our country promote?
question_answer108) Why should we conserve both flora and fauna? Explain with some examples.
question_answer109) What is the importance of biosphere reserves?
question_answer110) Name different types of vegetation found in India and describe the vegetation of high altitudes.
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