question_answer1) Define the following terms: (i) Virgin Vegetation (ii) Flora (iii) Fauna
question_answer2) Which relief factors affect the flora and fauna of India?
question_answer3) Describe how climatic factors influence the vegetation cover of India.
question_answer4) Distinguish between Moist Deciduous and Dry Deciduous Forests.
question_answer5) Give the altitudinal distribution of Montane Forests.
question_answer6) Which animals are found in the Montane Forests?
question_answer7) What is the importance of various species in the ecosystem?
question_answer8) State the main causes which are a threat to the ecosystem.
question_answer9) How is India one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world?
question_answer10) How does soil factor affect the type of vegetation of a region?
question_answer11) What type of flora and fauna do we have in Tropical Rain forests?
question_answer12) Where are elephants and one-horned rhinoceros mainly found and why?
question_answer13) Name any two endangered species of Indian wildlife and write one point each on Project Tiger and Project Rhino.
question_answer14) What is a bio reserve? Give any two examples.
question_answer15) Write three measures to conserve ecosystem.
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