question_answer1) Name the original name of the Nazi party.
question_answer2) Explain the purpose of the Enabling Act passed on 3rd March, 1933.
question_answer3) What was the work entrusted to the International War Tribunal set up in Nuremberg after the war?
question_answer4) Who were considered as the 'desirables' under Nazi rule?
question_answer5) Who were mockingly called 'November criminals'?
question_answer6) On whose thinking were Hitler's ideas of racialism based?
question_answer7) What was the name given to separately marked areas where the Jews lived?
question_answer8) Which sport did Hitler promote?
question_answer9) What was the name given to the German Parliament?
question_answer10) Which treaty was signed by Germany after its defeat in the First World War?
question_answer11) Which of the following was the most feared security force of the Nazi state?
question_answer12) When did Germany attack the Soviet Union?
question_answer13) Which incident persuaded the USA to join the war?
question_answer14) What was Hitler's ideology of 'Lebensraum' or living space?
question_answer15) What was Nazi ideology with regard to school children?
question_answer16) Who was the propaganda Minister of Hitler?
question_answer17) Which move of Hitler is said to be a historical blunder?
question_answer18) Who was assigned the responsibility of economic recovery by Hitler?
question_answer19) When was Hitler offered Chancellorship of Germany and by whom?
question_answer20) Which country became a laboratory for the experiment of the concept of Lebensraum?
question_answer21) What terms were used for 'killing' by the Nazis?
question_answer22) Which event was termed the 'Holocaust'?
question_answer23) What was the name of Hitler's autobiography, written before he assumed the Chancellorship of Germany?
question_answer24) What did the term 'Evacuation' mean in Hitler's Germany?
question_answer25) What was the slogan coined by Hitler when he followed his aggressive foreign policy?
question_answer26) The US army dropped the atomic bomb in 1945 on which cities?
question_answer27) What was the name of the Nazi Youth organisation which consisted of all German boys of 14 to 18 years of age?
question_answer28) Who was Hitler? How did. Hitler reconstruct Germany?
question_answer29) Examine any three inherent defects in the Weimar Constitution. Or Explain the inherent defects of the Weimar constitution that made republic unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship. Or State any three factors which made the Weimar Republic politically fragile.
question_answer30) Nazis used chilling words as an art of propaganda. Justify.
question_answer31) What was the impact of the Great Depression on the US?
question_answer32) What were the main features of Hitler's geopolitical concept of Lebensraum? Give three features.
question_answer33) Explain the impact of the First World War on European society and polity. Or State any three effects of the First World War over Europe. Or First World War left deep imprint on European society and polity. Support the statement with three examples.
question_answer34) What were the main features of Nazism?
question_answer35) How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany?
question_answer36) How would you have reacted to Hitler's ideas if you were (i) A Jewish Woman (ii)A non-Jewish Woman
question_answer37) What was the Enabling Act? Or When was the Enabling Act passed in Germany? How did this act establish dictatorship of Hitler in Germany?
question_answer38) Explain any five measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany.
question_answer39) What were the promises made by Hitler to people of Germany? Or Explain three factors which led to the rise of Hitler in Germany? Or State any three promises made by Adolf Hitler to the German society. Or How did Hitler effectively mobilise popular support in Germany? Explain in five points.
question_answer40) Explain any four points of Hitler's foreign policy. What did Schacht advice to Hitler? Or Describe any three important points of Hitler's foreign policy. Or Describe Hitler's foreign policy before the Second World War.
question_answer41) Describe any five effects of the First World War on Germany. Or Explain any three effects of the First World War on Germany.
question_answer42) How did the common people react to Nazism?
question_answer43) Explain any three points to prove that Nazi rule was barbarous.
question_answer44) Describe the Hitler's policy towards the Jews? Or How were the Jews worst sufferers in the Nazi government?
question_answer45) Evaluate the use of media by the Nazis to popularise their ideology in Germany
question_answer46) Describe the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. Or Discuss any three major clauses of the 'Treaty of Versailles'? Or The Treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds of the Second World War. Justify.
question_answer47) What is Nazism? Why did Nazism become popular in Germany by 1930? Or What were the reasons for the rise of Nazism in Germany? Or Why did Nazism become popular in Germany by 1930? Explain.
question_answer48) Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic. Or Describe any three problems faced by Weimar Republic in Germany. Or Explain any five problems faced by the Weimar Republic in Germany
question_answer49) What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?
question_answer50) Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating a hatred for Jews?
question_answer51) In what ways did the Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people?
question_answer52) State any five measures taken by the Nazis to create a pure German racial state. Or Explain any three steps taken by Hitler to establish racial state. Or Explain the Nazi idea of a racial state.
question_answer53) How were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler or Nazis? Explain.
question_answer54) What were the effects of great economics depression of 1929-1932 on Germany?
question_answer55) Or Describe the impact of economic depression of Germany? Or Describe the impact of great economic depression (1929-1932) on various sections of society in Germany?
question_answer56) Discuss the factors contributing to the meteoric rise of Hitler. Or How did Hitler became the popular leader of masses in Germany? Explain any three reasons. Or Explain any three factors which led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.
question_answer57) What factors enabled the recast of Germany's political system after the First World War?
question_answer58) Who according to Hitler topped the racial hierarchy? Who formed the lowest rung of the hierarchy?
question_answer59) Who were the signatories of the 1940 Tripartite Pact?
question_answer60) The Nazi party was renamed after which organisations?
question_answer61) Why did Nazis hold massive rallies and public meetings in Germany ?
question_answer62) When did German President Hindenburg offer the Chancellorship to Hitler?
question_answer63) What was the significance of the Enabling Act?
question_answer64) What does the term 'Genocidal War' refer to?
question_answer65) When did the US enter the Second World War?
question_answer66) Hitler's views on racialism were based on which thinkers?
question_answer67) What was the Nazi argument for their imperialist ambitions ?
question_answer68) Who were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany and why ?
question_answer69) Name some countries which became victims of Hitler's aggressive policy.
question_answer70) How were the deputies of Reichstag appointed?
question_answer71) When was the Youth League of Nazis founded?
question_answer72) What was The Eternal Jew'?
question_answer73) Who was regarded as the most important citizen according to Hitler?
question_answer74) Who is the author of the book Third Reich of Dreams'?
question_answer75) For what was Auschwitz notorious during the Nazi period ?
question_answer76) When did the Second World War end in Europe?
question_answer77) What does citizenship mean to you? Look at Chapters 1 and 3 and write 200 words on how the French Revolution and Nazism defined citizenship.
question_answer78) What did the Nuremberg Laws mean to the 'undesirables' in Nazi Germany? What other legal measures were taken against them to make them feel unwanted?
question_answer79) If you were a student sitting in one of these classes, how would you have felt towards Jews?
question_answer80) Have you ever thought of the stereotypes of other communities that people around you believe in? How have they acquired them?
question_answer81) What do you think this poster is trying to depict?
question_answer82) Look at the figures and answer the following GERMAN FARMER YOU BELONG TO HITLER! WHY? The German farmer stands in between two great dangers today: The one danger American economic system . Big Capitalism The other is the Marxist economic system of Bolshevism. Big Capitalism and Bolshevism work hand in hand they are born of Jewish thought and serve the master plan of world Jewery. Who alone can rescue the farmer from these dangers? NATIONAL SOCIALISM. From: a Nazi leaflet, 1932. The leaflet shows how the Nazis appealed to the peasants. What do they tell us about Nazi propaganda? How are the Nazis trying to mobilise different sections of the population?
question_answer83) Who was Hitler's propoganda Minister?
question_answer84) How Hitler's end came?
question_answer85) What was Nazism?
question_answer86) Which tribunal was set up after world war II to punish the Nazis for their crime against humanity?
question_answer87) What was 'Genocidal war'?
question_answer88) How was Germany defeated in World War I?
question_answer89) How Germany adopted democratic Constitution?
question_answer90) What was Reichstag?
question_answer91) Name the peace treaty signed after World War I.
question_answer92) How was Weimer Republic made to pay for the sins of old empire?
question_answer93) Who were called 'November Criminals'?
question_answer94) Who were Free Corps?
question_answer95) What happened when Germany refused to pay war reparation to France?
question_answer96) Why the value of German currency 'mark' fell?
question_answer97) What does 'Hyperinflation' mean?
question_answer98) How Germany came out of this financial crisis?
question_answer99) What was the condition of unemployed youth in Germany during economic crisis?
question_answer100) What does 'Proletarianisation' mean?
question_answer101) What was 'Article 48' of Weimer Republic?
question_answer102) Who was Hitler?
question_answer103) How 'Nazi Party' was formed?
question_answer104) Under which situation Nazi Propoganda was appreciated?
question_answer105) What promise was made by Hitler as a leader of Germany to the people.
question_answer106) How Nazis mobilised the masses?
question_answer107) How Nazis projected Hitler?
question_answer108) When and by whom Hitler was offered highest position in the Cabinet of ministers?
question_answer109) How Hitler started dismantling democratic rule in Germany?
question_answer110) What does 'The fire Decree'?
question_answer111) What was 'Concentration Camp'?
question_answer112) What was 'Enabling Act'?
question_answer113) Which Security forces were created by Nazis to control order in society?
question_answer114) Which famous economist was appointed by Hitler for economic recovery of Germany?
question_answer115) How did Hitler follow the slogan of 'One people, one empire and one leader'?
question_answer116) What was the immediate cause of World War II?
question_answer117) Among which three countries 'Tripartite Pact' was signed?
question_answer118) When did US enter the World War II?
question_answer119) When did Second World War end?
question_answer120) What social hierarchy was formed by Hitler?
question_answer121) Who was Darwin?
question_answer122) Who was Herbert Spencer?
question_answer123) What were Nazi views about Aryan Race?
question_answer124) Who were considered 'undesirable' by Hitler?
question_answer125) Why Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany?
question_answer126) What was 'Pseudoscientific theory of race' followed by Hitler?
question_answer127) How were Polish children treated by Nazis?
question_answer128) How schools in Nazi Germany were 'cleansed' and 'purified'?
question_answer129) What was 'Jungvolk'?
question_answer130) How honour crosses were awarded to women for producing children?
question_answer131) Which terms were used by Nazis for torturing 'undesirable'?
question_answer132) What were the 'gas chambers' called?
question_answer133) Which was the most in famous film in which orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked?
question_answer134) How were 'Jews' referred in films?
question_answer135) Who wrote the book 'Third Reich of Dreams'?
question_answer136) What was written in this book?
question_answer137) What was 'Holocaust'?
question_answer138) How do we come to know about Holocaust today?
question_answer139) Write a short note on the eleven-year-old Helmuth's experiences of Germany.
question_answer140) What do you understand by the 'Genocidal War' in Germany?
question_answer141) What was 'Political Radicalism'?
question_answer142) Describe the events leading to the economic crisis in Germany.
question_answer143) How did the economic crisis begin in the USA?
question_answer144) What were the weaknesses of the Weimer Republic?
question_answer145) Describe the formation of the Nazi Party.
question_answer146) How did Hitler capture power in Germany?
question_answer147) What promises did Hitler make to the Germans when he came to power?
question_answer148) Give a brief account of Hitler's entry into World War II.
question_answer149) What was Hitler's ideology?
question_answer150) How did the Nazis develop a hatred for the Jews?
question_answer151) Which youth organisations were formed?
question_answer152) How did common people react to Nazism?
question_answer153) How did Hitler and his minister Goebbels' end come after World War II?
question_answer154) How was German Parliament established after First World War?
question_answer155) What do you understand by 'Hyperinflation'?
question_answer156) What was Hitler's propaganda to gain power?
question_answer157) What do you know about Enabling Act?
question_answer158) How was economic recovery made in Germany?
question_answer159) What was Hitler's foreign policy?
question_answer160) What was the impact of World War I on Germany's politics and society?
question_answer161) What were the effects of the economic crisis on Germany?
question_answer162) What efforts were made by Hitler to establish dictatorship?
question_answer163) How was a 'Racial State' established by Hitler in Germany?
question_answer164) How did Hitler treat the Polish?
question_answer165) What kind of education was given in Nazi schools?
question_answer166) Explain the status of women in the German society.
question_answer167) How was media used to propagate Nazism?
question_answer168) How was the Holocaust practised in Germany?
question_answer169) Trace the 'destruction of democracy' in Germany.
question_answer170) What was the Nazis' 'Art of Propaganda'?
question_answer171) How do you agree with the statement, "Treaty of Versailles laid the germs of another war and was a harsh treaty"?
question_answer172) What was the impact of World War I on European society?
question_answer173) What do you know about Hitler's personality?
question_answer174) Which special surveillance and security forces were created by Nazis?
question_answer175) When and how did Hitler invade Soviet Union?
question_answer176) How did USA enter into World War II?
question_answer177) How were Darwin and Herbert Spencer's ideas adopted by Hitler or Nazis?
question_answer178) How did hatred develop for undesirable communities?
question_answer179) What was Nazi's school syllabus?
question_answer180) How were women discriminated on child's birth in Hitler's society?
question_answer181) Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
question_answer182) The term 'Genocidal' means: (a) Suicide by the soldiers (b) Suicide by Hitler's officers (c) Killing on a large-scale leading to the destruction of a large section of people (d) A kind of poison that Helmuth feared
question_answer183) A war veterans' organisation was called: (a) Berlin Soldiers (b) Free Corps (c) German Ruhr (d) Gestapo
question_answer184) Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party was renamed as: (a) Workers' Party (b) Socialist Party (c) Nazi Party (d) Communist Party
question_answer185) The 'Secret State Police' was called: (a) Security Service (b) The Protection Squad (c) Gestapo (d) Patriots
question_answer186) The Nordic German Aryans were: (a) Jews living in Germany (b) Aryans of German origin (c) Jews of German origin (d) Germans of Aryan origin
question_answer187) The most infamous film made on Jews was: (a) Where Eagles Dare (b) Jews the Undesirable (c) The Eternal Jew (d) Schindler's List
question_answer188) How political radicalism survived in Weimar Republic?
question_answer189) How Germany came into the trap of 'Hyper-Inflation' situation after World War II? How were they saved?
question_answer190) How worldwide economic crisis can affect the society also? Analyse this situation in Germany.
question_answer191) What kind of racial segregation was practised by Hitler?
question_answer192) Had media played any role in the propaganda of Nazi regime? .
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