question_answer1) What was the impact of World War I on Germany's politics and society?
question_answer2) What were the effects of the economic crisis on Germany?
question_answer3) What efforts were made by Hitler to establish dictatorship?
question_answer4) How was a 'Racial State' established by Hitler in Germany?
question_answer5) How did Hitler treat the Polish?
question_answer6) What kind of education was given in Nazi schools?
question_answer7) Explain the status of women in the German society.
question_answer8) How was media used to propagate Nazism?
question_answer9) How was the Holocaust practised in Germany?
question_answer10) Trace the 'destruction of democracy' in Germany.
question_answer11) What was the Nazis' 'Art of Propaganda'?
question_answer12) How do you agree with the statement, "Treaty of Versailles laid the germs of another war and was a harsh treaty"?
question_answer13) What was the impact of World War I on European society?
question_answer14) What do you know about Hitler's personality?
question_answer15) Which special surveillance and security forces were created by Nazis?
question_answer16) When and how did Hitler invade Soviet Union?
question_answer17) How did USA enter into World War II?
question_answer18) How were Darwin and Herbert Spencer's ideas adopted by Hitler or Nazis?
question_answer19) How did hared develop for undesirable communities?
question_answer20) What was Nazi's school syllabus?
question_answer21) How were women discriminated on child's birth in Hitler's society?
question_answer22) Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
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