question_answer1) Explain the threefold plan of Hitler after becoming Chancellor of Chancellor of Germany to consolidate the Nazi power.
question_answer2) Explain any two problems faced by the Weimar Republic from the very beginning.
question_answer3) Explain the steps taken by Hitler to militaries Germany.
question_answer4) Explain the main causes of the Great Economic Depression in USA in 1929.
question_answer5) Mention the developments that followed the signing of the Non-Aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Germany in 1939.
question_answer6) Critically examine the Nazi barbarities which occurred during the Second World War. Or Explain the monstrous nature of Nazi rule in Germany.
question_answer7) Explain the impact of the Great Economic Depression (1929) on Europe.
question_answer8) What was the effect of Nazism on Germany?
question_answer9) Write short notes on the following: (a) The Anschluss (b) Anti-Semitism
question_answer10) Describe the main causes behind the entry of USA into World War
question_answer11) Account for the fall of Berlin and the end of the Third Reich in Germany. Or Trace the events that led to the surrender of Germany in 1945.
question_answer12) Which country used atomic weapons during the Second World War and why?
question_answer13) What are the inherent defects of the Weimar Constitution?
question_answer14) What was the new style of politics devised by Hitler?
question_answer15) What were the provisions of the Enabling Laws?
question_answer16) How did the common people react to Nazism?
question_answer17) How did the world come to know about the Holocaust?
question_answer18) What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?
question_answer19) Explain four ways in which Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people.
question_answer20) In Nazi Germany, which youth Organizations were made responsible for educating German youth in the spirit of 'National Socialism'?
question_answer21) What is Nazism? Why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930?
question_answer22) What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?
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