question_answer1) Write a short note on the eleven-year-old Helmuth experiences of Germany.
question_answer2) What do you understand by the 'Genocidal War' in Germany?
question_answer3) What was 'Political Radicalism'?
question_answer4) Describe the events leading to the economic crisis in Germany.
question_answer5) How did the economic crisis begin in the USA?
question_answer6) What were the weaknesses of the Weimer Republic?
question_answer7) Democratic the formation of the Nazi party.
question_answer8) How did Hitler capture power in Germany?
question_answer9) What promises did Hitler make to the Germans when he came to power?
question_answer10) Give a brief account of Hitler's entry into World War II.
question_answer11) What was Hitler's ideology?
question_answer12) How did the Nazis develop a hatred for the Jews?
question_answer13) Which youth organisations were formed?
question_answer14) How did common people react to Nazism?
question_answer15) How did Hitler and his minister Goebbels' end come after World War II?
question_answer16) How was German Parliament established after First World War?
question_answer17) What do you understand by 'Hyperinflation'?
question_answer18) What was Hitler's propaganda to gain power?
question_answer19) What do you know about Enabling Act?
question_answer20) How was economic recovery made in Germany?
question_answer21) What was Hitler's foreign policy?
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