question_answer1) Who was Captain Swing?
question_answer2) What were open fields?
question_answer3) What were Common lands or Commons?
question_answer4) What were enclosed lands?
question_answer5) Which dramatic fact makes the period after 1780's different from any earlier period in English history?
question_answer6) Which two new crops were introduced by farmers in England to retain the fertility of the soil?
question_answer7) How did turnip and clover help in increasing fertility of the soils?
question_answer8) What was the advantage of Enclosure Movement to landowners?
question_answer9) What was the impact of Enclosures on Midlands and the countries around?
question_answer10) What happened to the labourers after Enclosure Movement?
question_answer11) Which machines helped landowners to reduce their dependence on labour?
question_answer12) Why did threshing machine replace labour?
question_answer13) What is an 'Agricultural Depression'?
question_answer14) When did Captain Swing, an imaginary character appear in England?
question_answer15) How did Native American groups live?
question_answer16) How did white Americans transform the landscape?
question_answer17) How did America become 'a land of promises'?
question_answer18) How did settlers come in successive waves in America?
question_answer19) Which two new crops were introduced by White settlers in the cultivated lands?
question_answer20) Why was demand for wheat increasing in USA?
question_answer21) Who said Plant more wheat, wheat will win the war'?
question_answer22) Who were Wheat Barons?
question_answer23) How was thick grass of Prairies removed and ploughing done?
question_answer24) What was the invention of Cyrus McCormick for harvesting?
question_answer25) What were 'Combine harvesters'?
question_answer26) What conditions created Great Agrarian Depression in USA?
question_answer27) What was Dust Bowl?
question_answer28) Why was land under cultivation increased when the British came in India?
question_answer29) Which crops were produced in India during colonial period for the world market?
question_answer30) How could the western merchants like British buy tea from China?
question_answer31) Who introduced opium into China in the early 16th century?
question_answer32) What was opium primarily known for?
question_answer33) Who all became opium addicts in China?
question_answer34) How was cultivation of opium a difficult process?
question_answer35) What was the role of an opium agent in opium production?
question_answer36) What was the government's opium revenue?
question_answer37) In which parts of India was opium produced?
question_answer38) Who was Captain Swing? What did the name symbolise or represent?
question_answer39) Describe the seasonal movement of Gaddi shepherds of Himachal Pradesh.
question_answer40) What were the reasons for starting the 'enclosure movement' in England?
question_answer41) How were common lands changed into enclosed lands by the rich farmers?
question_answer42) How did the 'enclosure movement' proceed in England?
question_answer43) Why did the landlords pressurise the British Parliament to pass the Enclosure Act?
question_answer44) What was the impact of the westward expansion of settlers in the USA? Explain in three points.
question_answer45) How was increase in food production made possible?
question_answer46) Why were turnips and clover grown by farmers in their farms?
question_answer47) What were the advantages of enclosures?
question_answer48) What do you know about native American groups?
question_answer49) How were American Indians replaced by White Americans?
question_answer50) How did the Great Plains across the Mississippi river become a major wheat-producing area of America?
question_answer51) In what way was new technology responsible for the dramatic expansion of land in America?
question_answer52) What were the advantages of these mechanical devices to the big farmers of the Great Plains?
question_answer53) What were the 'Dust Bowls'?
question_answer54) What were the effects of 'Dust Bowls'?
question_answer55) Which crops were grown in India for the world market?
question_answer56) Why were the Manchus rulers not willing to allow the entry of foreign goods into China?
question_answer57) How could the Western merchants balance their trade with China?
question_answer58) Why did Indian peasants begin to agitate against the low prices of opium?
question_answer59) Why were threshing machines opposed by some labourers, the poor in England?
question_answer60) How did the condition of secured labourers become insecure?
question_answer61) What does 'common land' mean to the English countryside peasant?
question_answer62) Why did enclosures begin by the end of the 18th century?
question_answer63) What happened to the poor after the enclosure movement?
question_answer64) Why were threshing machines introduced by the landlords?
question_answer65) What happened to the soldiers who returned to their villages from Napoleonic wars?
question_answer66) What policy did the US government follow in driving the Indians westward?
question_answer67) How did the White Americans turn the grasslands into bread baskets of America?
question_answer68) What happened to the poor farmers after the use of new technology?
question_answer69) What were the causes of the formation of Dust Bowls?
question_answer70) Why did the British increase the land for cultivation in India?
question_answer71) How did the British make the Chinese addicted to opium?
question_answer72) Why were Indian cultivators unwilling to grow opium?
question_answer73) How were the unwilling cultivators made to produce opium? Or Why were Indian farmers reluctant to grow opium?
question_answer74) How did the British establish their monopoly over opium trade?
question_answer75) Why were the farmers of Bihar and Bengal unwilling to grow opium?
question_answer76) How did Agricultural Depression lead to job insecurity?
question_answer77) What role was played by the mechanical reaper in the harvest?
question_answer78) How was the great Agrarian Depression set? Or What was the impact of the westward expansion of settlers in USA?
question_answer79) How did the tea trade start between Chinese and British?
question_answer80) How did the British start exporting opium to China?
question_answer81) Captain Swing was a (a) labourer in East Kent (b) an imaginary name in threatening letters (c) leader of an armed band (d) revolutionary leader
question_answer82) Who created the early enclosures on land? (a) Rich farmers (b) Individual landlords (c) Small farmers (d) Group of farmers
question_answer83) The Captain Swing riots spread in the countryside due to (a) enclosure movement (b) threshing machines (c) agricultural depression (d) none of these
question_answer84) Who said, "Plant more wheat, wheat will win the war"? (a) President Thomas Jefferson (b) President Wilson (c) President Bush (d) President Truman
question_answer85) Who introduced opium in China in early 16th century? (a) Dutch (b) British (c) Portuguese (d) French
question_answer86) Why did the peasants protest against the threshing machines in the 19th century?
question_answer87) When was the land enclosed for food production in England?
question_answer88) Name a crop which improved the fertility of the soil.
question_answer89) When did the American Indian settle on the Appalachian plateau?
question_answer90) How much land that wheat barons possess individually?
question_answer91) Which country came to be known as the Bread Basket of the World?
question_answer92) Why was the land enclosed in the 16th century?
question_answer93) Why the enclosure of land was opposed by the poor people?
question_answer94) When the dramatic expansion of wheat production developed in the USA?
question_answer95) Name the Depression which ruined wheat farmers everywhere.
question_answer96) Who was the inventor of the first mechanical reaper in the USA?
question_answer97) Who had introduced opium into China in the early l6th century?
question_answer98) Rulers of which country did not allow the British traders to trade in opium with their country?
question_answer99) What were the two major commercial crops in the early 19th century?
question_answer100) Which of the princely states of India were the major producers of opium under the colonial era?
question_answer101) What was the cause of the Great Agrarian Depression of 1930s?
question_answer102) Where did the White Americans settle down between 1820-1850?
question_answer103) Which country faced dust storms during 1930s?
question_answer104) How much land was enclosed in Britain between 1750 and I860?
question_answer105) What was the reason behind the disrupted trade and the import of food grains from Europe at the end of the 18th century?
question_answer106) Who gained most from enclosures?
question_answer107) What did the Americans realised after 1930s?
question_answer108) Name the main products which East India Company was buying from China in the late 18th century.
question_answer109) In the 17th century why did the farmers begin to grow turnip and clover?
question_answer110) When was the large part of England quite open?
question_answer111) Who introduced opium in China in early 16th century?
question_answer112) Which country became a country of opium addicts?
question_answer113) Who were 'Manchus'?
question_answer114) In contrast many writers emphasised the advantages of enclosures. 'There can be no question of the superior profit to the farmer of enclosures rather than open fields. In one case he is in chains; he can make no changes in soil or prices, he is like a horse in team, he must jog along with the rest'. Read the above passage and answer the following questions (a) What is John Middleton arguing? (b) What lesson/values do you learnt from the given passage?
question_answer115) Why were threshing machines opposed by the poor in England?
question_answer116) Who was Captain Swing? What did his name symbolise or represent?
question_answer117) What was the impact of the Westward expansion of settlers in the USA? Or Explain the impact to the Westward expansion of settlers in the USA?
question_answer118) Which country was known as the Bread Basket of the World during 19th century? Describe the factors responsible for the expansion of agriculture in the country.
question_answer119) The new technology introduced in agriculture in the 19th century created the grounds for the Great Agrarian Depression of 1930s. Justify by giving examples.
question_answer120) How were unwilling cultivators made to produce opium in India?
question_answer121) "The introduction of modern agriculture meant many different changes." Describe in four points.
question_answer122) "For the poorer farmers, machines brought misery". Justify giving reasons.
question_answer123) How USA converted in dust bowl from bread basket? Describe any five reasons. Or Explain the Dust Bowl tragedy of 1930s in USA. Or Analyse the reasons for recurrent dust storms in the great plains in America.
question_answer124) Opium was such a commodity. The Portuguese had introduced opium into China in the early 16th century. Opium was however, known primarily for its medical properties and used in minuscule quantities for certain types of medicines. The Chinese were aware of the dangers of opium addiction and the Emperor had forbidden its production and sale except for medicinal purposes. But Western merchants in the mid-19th century began an illegal trade in opium. Read the above passage and answer the following questions (a) What is opium? What are its uses? (b) What lesson/values you have learnt from this passage?
question_answer125) Explain one difference between the Enclosure Movement of the late 18th century and the earlier one. What factors lead the British Parliament to pass the Enclosure Acts?
question_answer126) One peasant who lost his rights to common land after the enclosures wrote to the local lord? Should a poor man take one of your sheep from the common, his life would be forfeited by law. But should you take the common from a hundred poor men's sheep, the law gives no redress. The poor man is liable to be hung for taking from you what would not supply you with a meal; and you would do nothing illegal by depriving him of his subsistence; ? What should be the inference of the poor ? when the laws are not accessible to the injured poor and the government gives them no redress? Read the given passage and answer the following questions (a) What is the peasant trying to say in the passage? (b) What lesson/values do you learnt from the above passage?
question_answer127) Explain any three advantages and two disadvantages of enclosure movement in England.
question_answer128) Why was the British Government reluctant to increase the price of opium? What was the impact of this policy?
question_answer129) What were the advantages and disadvantages of the use of mechanical harvesting machine in the USA?
question_answer130) Explain briefly what the open field system meant to rural people in the 18th century England? Look at the system from the point of view of (a)a rich farmer (b) a labourer (c)a peasant woman
question_answer131) Explain briefly the factors that led to the enclosures in England.
question_answer132) State the different ways in which new technology dramatically increased wheat production in the USA.
question_answer133) Why were the Indian farmers reluctant to grow opium? Or Why were the Indian cultivators unwilling to grow opium? How did the British react to it? Or Why were the farmers in India not willing to grow opium? Explain any five reasons.
question_answer134) What lessons can we draw from the conversion of the countryside in the USA from a Bread Basket to a Dust Bowl?
question_answer135) Write a paragraph on why the British insisted on farmers growing opium in India.
question_answer136) Briefly discuss the relationship of white American settlers and American Indians in the context of Westward expansion of white Americans.
question_answer137) How did the USA become the bread basket of the world? Explain. Or "Plant more wheat, wheat will win the war". Who said these? What led to dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA? Or Explain any three causes for dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA from the late 19th century.
question_answer138) Explain the British policy of opium trade with China. Or How can the history of opium production in India be linked up with the story of British trade with China? Explain.
question_answer139) Who among the following became the President of USA in 1800? (a) Thomas Jefferson (b) Abraham Lincoln (c) George Washington (d)Woodrow Wilson
question_answer140) Match the following List I List II A. Bushel 1. An English currency B. Shilling 2. A measure of weight C. Million 3. A measure of capacity D. Maund 4. 10 lakh Codes A B C D A B C D (a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 3 2 4 1
question_answer141) Name some crops which India under British colonial rule produced for the world market.
question_answer142) What were the occupations of native Americans?
question_answer143) Give one way in which enclosures affected the poor farmers.
question_answer144) What commodities was East India Company buying from China for sale in England?
question_answer145) Why had the Chinese banned the production and sale of opium?
question_answer146) Why was the war between Britain and China (1837-1842) called the Opium War?
question_answer147) The cultivation of opium was a ........ process. (Difficult/Easy)
question_answer148) The British rule was gradually established in India after the Battle of ........ (Plassey/Buxer).
question_answer149) The Great Agrarian Depression of the .... ruined wheat farmers everywhere. (a) 1930s (b) 1940s (c) 1920s (d) 1950s
question_answer150) Why in the 1930s America's dream of land of plenty turned into a nightmare?
question_answer151) Strip cultivation was practiced by........ (peasants/tribals) in England.
question_answer152) Who gained most from enclosures in England?
question_answer153) Why did the rioters destroy the threshing machines during the 1830s in England?
question_answer154) How did Britain react when Lin Ze-Xu announced that canton was closed to foreign trade?
question_answer155) Match the following List I List II A.Enclosure movement 1.Invented the first mechanical reaper B. Cyrus Mc Cormack 2.Black bizzard C. The Great Plains 3. Travelling traders D. Pykars 4. A major item of export to China from India E. Opium 5. A movement to divide and enclose land into compact blocks to improve cultivation Codes A B C D E A B C D E (a) 5 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 2 1 3 5 (c) 5 2 1 3 4 (d) 3 2 5 4 1
question_answer156) What was putting up a fence around a piece of land called?
question_answer157) Why peasants protested against the threshing machines?
question_answer158) Write two causes of the Great Agrarian depression of 1930.
question_answer159) Imagine that you were asked by the Emperor of China to prepare a leaflet for young people about the harmful effects of opium. Find out about the effect of opium on the human body Design your leaflet and give it an eye-catching title.
question_answer160) Read Sources C and D and answer the following. Source C One peasant who lost his rights to common land after the enclosures wrote to the local lord: 'Should a poor man take one of your sheep from the common, his life would be forfeited by law. But should You take the common from a hundred poor men's sheep, the law gives no redress. The poor man is liable to be hung for taking from You what would not supply you with a meal and You would do nothing illegal by depriving him of his subsistence; ...What should be the inference of the poor ...when the laws are not accessible to the injured poor and the government gives them no redress? Source D In contrast many writers emphasized the advantages of enclosures. There can be no question of the superior profit to the farmer of enclosures rather than open fields. In one case he is in chains; he can make no changes in soil or prices, he is like a horse in team, he must ioq along with the rest.. ?John Middleton, an 18th century writer (a) What is the peasant trying to say in Source C? (b) What is John Middleton arguing? (c) Re-read from Section 1.1 to 1.4 and summarise the two sides of the argument for and against open fields. Which argument do you sympathise with?
question_answer161) Draw a timeline from 1650 to 1930 showing the significant agricultural changes which you have read about in this chapter.
question_answer162) Fill in the following table with the events outlined in this chapter. Remember, there could be more than one change in a country.
question_answer163) On the arrows in the map indicate the commodities that flowed from one country to another. Arrow indicates movement of commodities and the direction. In this triangular trade what England import from India and in what form did it come back to India. What were the effects of the triangular trade on India and China?
question_answer164) Mark the different agricultural belts in the USA in 1920.
question_answer165) How did white Americans intercede America and then turn the green lands into Bread Basket of the world?
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