10th Class Social Science Challenges to Democracy Question Bank Activity Based Assignments - Challenges to Democracy

  • question_answer
    Case and context Your description of the challenges for democracy In the situation
    Chile: General Pinochet's government defeated, but military still in control of many institutions. [Example] Establishing civilian control overall governmental Institutions, holding the first multi-party elections, recalling all political leaders from exile.
    Poland: After the first success of Solidarity, the government imposed martial law and banned solidarity.  
    Ghana: Just attained independence, Kwame Nkrumah elected president.  
    Myanmar: SuuKyi under house arrest for more than 15 years, army rulers getting global acceptance.  
    International Organisations: US as the only super power disregards the UN and takes unilateral action.  
    Mexico: Second free election after the defeat of PRI in 2000, defeated candidate alleges rigging.  
    China: Communist Party adopts economic reforms but maintains monopoly over political power.  
    Pakistan: General Musharraf holds referendum, allegations of fraud in voters' list.  
    Iraq: Widespread sectarian violence as the new government fails to establish its authority.  
    South Africa: Nelson Mandela retires from active politics, pressure on his successor Mbeki to withdraw some concessions given to White minority  
    US, Guantanamo Bay: UN Secretary General calls this a violation of international law. US refuses to respond.  
    Saudi Arabia: Women not allowed to take part in public activities, no freedom of religion for minorities.  
    Yugoslavia: Ethnic tension between Serbs and Albanians on the rise in the province of Kosovo. Yugoslavia disintegrated.  
    Belgium: One round of constitutional change taken place, but the Dutch speakers not satisfied; they want more autonomy.  
    Sri Lanka: The peace talks between the government and the LTTE break down, renewed violence.  
    US, Civil Rights: Blacks have won equal rights, but are still poor less educated and marginalized.  
    Northern Ireland: The civil war has ended but Catholics and Protestants yet to develop trust.  
    Nepal: Constituent Assembly about to be elected, unrest in Terai areas, Maoists have not surrendered arms.  
    Bolivia: Morales, a supporter of water struggle, becomes Prime Minister, MNCs threaten to leave the country.  


    Description of the challenges for democracy in that situation
    Chile: [Example] Establishing civilian control over all governmental institutions, holding the first multi-party elections, recalling all political leaders from exile.
    Poland: The Foundational Challenge Poland became a democracy and Lech Walesa its first popularly elected President installed the Democratic government.
    Ghana: Challenge of Expansion He promoted the concept of Pan-Africanism. Living standard of people improved. He deviated from the path of democracy and his major flaw was - absolute power.
    Myanmar Challenge of Power (muscle) in the form of Military (Army) Rule: Power is in the hands of army and not exercised by the elected representatives. Freedom of speech and expression does not exist. Foundational Challenge.
    International Organisations: Authoritarian ; Being global institution/International organisations do not function in a democratic manner Though every member nation has one vote in the UN General Assembly yet all crucial decisions are taken by 'Security Council'. Challenge of Expansion.
    Mexico Deepening Democracy: It takes measures to stifle the growth of opposition and uses other underhand measures to remain in power. But, elections do not offer any political alternatives.
    China: Deepening of Democracy: Here, in China elections do not offer any choice to the people. People have to vote for the ruling party (Communist Party) and the candidates approved by it.
    Pakistan: Challenge of Muscle Power [Military Rule]: The work of civilian cabinet is supervised by a "National Security Council" which is dominated by military officers. Towards Foundational Challenge.
    Iraq: Foundational Challenge: Saddam Hussain a leading Bath (Renaissance) party leader formed the government After becoming the president of Iraq in 1979 Saddam ran dictatorial government and suppressed any dissent or opposition to his rule.
    South Africa: Deepening of Democracy: In 1993, a democratic Constitution was established and apartheid government ended giving way to the formation of a multi-racial government.
    US, Guantanamo Bay: Challenge of Muscle Power: This involves the government of one country denying rights to citizens of another country.
    Saudi Arabia: Challenge of Expansion: People do not elect their rulers and have no say in "decision-making". Yugoslavia: Expansion of Democracy: Political competition along religious and ethnic lines led to the disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent countries.
    Belgium: Deepening Democracy: Leaders realised that the unity of the country is possible only by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities. So, mutually acceptable arrangement for power sharing was made.
    Sri Lanka: Expansion of Democracy: Sri Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggles demanding an independent Tamil Elam (state) in Sri Lanka. But, majority Rule/Dominance established.
    US, Civil Rights: Deepening Democracy: This movement practiced non-violent methods of civil disobedience against racially discriminatory laws and practices.
    Northern Ireland: Expansion of Democracy: In Northern Ireland class and religion overlap each other. This created the possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions.
    Nepal: The Foundational Challenge: Here the popular struggle was about the foundation of the country's politics, i.e., the demand for restoration of parliament and power to all party government.
    Bolivia: Challenge of Money Power: Bolivia's popular struggle was about one specific policy and claims on an elected, democratic government. The power of the people forced the officials of MNCs to flee and made the government concede to all the demands of the protesters. Challenge of Deepening of democracy.

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