question_answer1) Tritium \[\left( _{1}^{3}H \right)\]has a half-life of 12.5y against beta decay. What fraction of a sample of tritium will remain undecayed after 25y?
question_answer2) The activity of a certain radionuclide decreases to 15 percent of its original value in 10 days. Find its half-life.\[\left[ \ell n\left( 0.15 \right)=-1.9 \right]\] (in days)
question_answer3) The half-life of \[^{24}Na\]is 15.0 h. How long does it take for 80 percent of a sample of this nuclide to decay? \[[In\text{ }5=1.6](in\text{ }h)\]
question_answer4) The count rate from\[100c{{m}^{3}}\]of a radioactive liquid is c. Some of this liquid is now discarded. The count rate of the remaining liquid is found to be c/10 after three half-lives. The volume of the remaining liquid, in\[c{{m}^{3}}\]?
question_answer5) A nucleus at rest breaks into two nuclear parts which have their velocities ratio equal to 8: 1. The ratio of their nuclear radii is .....
question_answer6) A radioactive material decays b simultaneous emission of two particles with respective half-lives 1620 and 810 years. The time, in years, after which one-fourth of the material remains is ?
question_answer7) It is proposed to use the nuclear fusion reaction \[_{1}^{2}H+_{1}^{2}H\to _{2}^{4}He\]in a nuclear reactor of 200 MW rating. If the energy from the above reaction is used with a 25 per cent efficiency in the reactor, how many grams of deuterium fuel will be needed per day. (The masses of \[_{1}^{2}H\]and \[_{2}^{4}He\]are 2.0141 atomic mass units and 4.0026 atomic mass units respectively)
question_answer8) Assuming that about\[200\text{ }MeV\]of energy is released per fission of \[_{92}{{U}^{235}}\]nuclei, then the mass of \[{{U}^{235}}\]consumed per day in a fission reactor of power 1 megawatt will approximately be (in grams)
question_answer9) Ten grams of \[^{57}Co\]kept in an open container beta-decays with a half-life of 270 days. The weight of the material inside the container after 540 days will be nearly (in grams)?
question_answer10) Find the binding energy per nucleon of \[_{79}^{197}Au\]if its atomic mass is 196.96 u. Where \[{{m}_{p}}=1.007277u\]&\[{{m}_{n}}=1.00866\,u\] (in Me V/nucleus)
question_answer11) The age of a rock containing lead and uranium is equal to\[1.5\times {{10}^{9}}yrs\]. The uranium is decaying into lead with half-life equal to\[4.5\times {{10}^{9}}yrs\]. Find the ratio of lead to uranium present in the rock, assuming initially no lead was present in the rock. (Given \[{{2}^{1/3}}\]- 1.259)
question_answer12) A radioactive material decays by \[\beta \]- particle emission. During the first 2 seconds of a measurement, \[n\beta \]-particles are emitted and in the next 2 seconds 0.75 \[n\beta \]- particles are emitted. Calculate the mean-life (in sec) of this material in seconds to the nearest whole number. \[(\ell n\text{ }3=1.0986\text{ }and\text{ }\ell n\text{ }2=0.6931).\]
question_answer13) Technitium-99 (atomic number 43, chemical symbol Tc) decays by emission of a negative \[\beta \]-particle into Ruthenium (chemical symbol Ru). A sample containing\[0.100\mu g\]of Tc is found to emit \[\beta \]- particles at a rate of\[135{{s}^{-1}}\]. Calculate half-life of technitium. If it is \[1.1\times a\times {{10}^{4}}\]years. Then value of a is.
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