Hours Slept | Frequency |
\[5\le h<6\] | 10 |
\[6\le h<7\] | 12 |
\[7\le h<8\] | 42 |
\[8\le h<9\] | 36 |
A) 0.248
B) 0.224
C) 0.213
D) 0.220
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
(d): Naidu slept between 5 to 7 hours (No. of days) \[=22=n\left( E \right)\] Total Days \[=100=n\left( E \right)\] \[n(P)=\frac{n(E)}{n(S)}=\frac{22}{100}=0.22\]You need to login to perform this action.
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