Directions: Each question given below consists of a statement followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments a ?strong? argument is and which a ?weak? argument is. |
Statement: Is buying things on instalments profitable to the customer? |
Arguments: I. Yes. He has to pay less. |
II. No, paying instalments upsets the family budget. |
A) Only argument I is strong
B) Only argument II is strong
C) Either I or II is strong
D) Neither I nor II is strong
E) Both I and II are strong
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
Explanation Option [d] is correct. In buying things on instalments, a customer has to pay more as the interest is also included. So, argument I does not hold. Moreover, one who buys an item on instalments maintains his future budget accordingly as he is well acquainted with when and how much he has to pay, beforehand. So, argument II is also not valid.You need to login to perform this action.
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