UPSC General Studies Sample Paper General Studies Sample Paper-2

  • question_answer
    Weathering is the process of disintegration of surface by the action of exogenetic forces.
    Consider the following statements about weathering.
    1. Rocks of massive character are more likely to have a lesser resistance to weathering than those, which are bedded.
    2. Temperature as an important factor affects both physical and chemical weathering.
    3. Lichens on rocks reduce the rate of weathering and help in preserving the surface from denudation.
    Which of the statements) given above is/are correct?

    A)  1 and 2           

    B)  2 and 3            

    C)  1 and 3           

    D)  Only 2

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] Rocks of massive character are more likely to have a greater resistance to weathering than those, which are bedded. The bedded rocks are primarily sedimentary rocks made of different layers separated by the cementing material. Bedded rocks are weathered more easily compared to massive rocks, which are primarily igneous and have interlocking crystalline structure, Temperature affects both physical and chemical weathering. Range of temperature both diurnal and annual subjects the surface layers of exposed rocks to expansion and contraction. Temperature also increases the rate of chemical weathering.

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