UPSC General Studies Sample Paper General Studies Sample Paper-4

  • question_answer
    Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
    Natural Region Inhabitants
    1. Amazon basin in equatorial region Bambuti
    2. Kalahari desert of tropical desert region Bindibu
    3. Temperate grassland region of Central Asia Kirghiz/Kyrgyz
    4. Tundra region in Northern Europe Eskimo

    A)  1, 2 and 3                    

    B)  1 and 4         

    C)  Only 3 

    D) (d) 3 and 4

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Natural Region Inhabitants
    Amazon basin in equatorial region Boro
    Kalahari desert of tropical desert region Bushman
    Temperate grassland region of Central Asia Kirghiz
    Tundra region in Northern Europe Eskimo

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