KVPY Sample Paper KVPY Stream-SX Model Paper-15

  • question_answer
    A bar magnet is demagnetized by inserting it inside a solenoid of length 0.2 m, 100 turns, and carrying a current of 5.2 A. The coercivity of the "bar magnet is:

    A) 1200 A/m

    B) 2600 A/m

    C) 520 A/m

    D) 285 A/m

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    Coercivity, \[\text{H}\,=\,\frac{\text{B}}{{{\mu }_{0}}}\,=\,ni\,=\,\frac{\text{N}}{\ell }i\] \[=\,\frac{100}{0.2}\times 5.2\,=\,2600\,\text{A/M}.\]

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