SSC Geography Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-3

  • question_answer
    Sugarcane belongs to grass family. Sugarcane, a very long duration crop, is planted during January-February and July-August period in South India, while during February-March and October November in North India. Sugarcane is
    (i) Basically a tropical crop
    (ii) It can bear the temperature ranges between \[12{}^\circ -30{}^\circ C\]
    (iii) It can stand in the rainfall of 75 c--120 cm
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

    A)  i and ii only      

    B)  i and iii only

    C)  ii only  

    D)  iii only

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Sugarcane: India is the world's second largest producer of sugarcane after Brazil and has the largest area under sugarcane cultivation in the world. New varieties of sugarcane are promising yield increase to 65 tonne per hectare from 5 5 tonne per hectare in the India's top two cane growing states Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. It is said that production in Maharashtra may increase to 6.3-6.5 MT from the earlier estimate of below 5 MT, while output in Uttar Pradesh may rise to 5.2 MT from 4.1 Mt. Belonging to grass family, Sugarcane is a very long duration crop, is planted during January-February and July-August period in South India, while during February-March and October-November in North India. The crop is harvested during October-September. Contains cane sugar (Sucrose); It is basically a tropical crop; Temperature: \[20{}^\circ -30{}^\circ ,\]not above \[40{}^\circ C,\] not less than \[15{}^\circ C;\] Rain fall - 75 cm - 120 cm; Soil - clay loams, Alluvial; should be rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash. All commercial plantations are made of stalk cutting of two or three joints; India's average yield: 55 tonnes/hect. Ratoon crops: - After the first crop has been cut, the stem begins to grow again.

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