A) S
B) H
C) Cl
D) C
Correct Answer: C
Solution :
[c] When a mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid is heated, the following reaction occurs: |
\[\overset{+1+5-2}{\mathop{KCl{{O}_{3}}}}\,+\overset{+1+3-2}{\mathop{{{H}_{2}}{{C}_{2}}{{O}_{4}}}}\,+\overset{+1+6-2}{\mathop{{{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}}}\,\]\[\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}\overset{+1+6-2}{\mathop{{{K}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}}}\,+\overset{+1-1}{\mathop{KCl}}\,+\overset{+4-2}{\mathop{C{{O}_{2}}}}\,+\overset{+4-2}{\mathop{{{H}_{2}}O}}\,\] |
Thus, Cl is the element which undergoes maximum change in the oxidation state. |
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