10th Class Social Science Agriculture

  • question_answer 1)
    Answer the following questions in 30 words.     (i) Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its growth.   (ii) Name one staple crop of India, and the regions where it is produced?   (iii) Enlist the various institutional reforms programmes introduced by the government in the interest of the farmers.   (iv) The land under cultivation has reduced day-by-day. Can you imagine its consequences?  


    (i)Tea is an important beverage crop.   Geographical Conditions    Climate Warm and moist frost-free climate throughout the year.    Rainfall Frequent showers evenly distributed.    Soil Deep and fertile well-drained soil rich in humus.    (ii) Rice is the staple crop of India. It is grown in Paschim Banga, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Asom and Punjab.   (iii) The following steps have been taken by the government to modernise Indian agriculture   (a) The government has established the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), agricultural universities and animal breeding centers to carry out research and development activities in agriculture.   (b) The government is also investing in rural infrastructure to link the rural market with the international market.   (c) The kisan credit card, personal and crop insurance schemes, etc have been launched.   (d) A comprehensive land development programme has also been launched.   (iv)(a) This will put more pressure on industry and other sectors because people are migrating from the agricultural sector to the other sectors.   (b) This will affect food security.   (c) Agro-based industry will suffer because of the shortage of raw materials.    

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