11th Class Biology Body Fluids and Circulation / शरीर के तरल पदार्थ और परिसंचरण

  • question_answer 1)
      Which of the following statements is incorrect' (a)A person of ?O? blood group has anti ?A? and anti -B- antibodies in his blood  plasma. (b) A person of ?B' blood group can't donate blood to a person of ?A? blood group. (c)Blood group is designated on the basis of the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma. (d) A person of AB blood group is universal recipient.


                      (c) ABO blood grouping in human is based on the presence or absence of two surface antigens on the RBCs namely A and B. Similarly, the plasma of different individuals contain two natural antibodies. This distribution of antigens and antibodies in the four groups of blood A, B, AB and O are as follows Blood Groups and Donors Compatibility
    Blood Group Antigens on RBCs Antibodies in Plasma Donor?s Group
    A B AB O A B A,B Nil Anti-B Anti-A Nil Anti-A,B A,O B,O AB,A,B,O O
    Thus, blood group in universal donor 4 blood group AB in universal recipient and the other options are correct.

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