11th Class Biology Body Fluids and Circulation / शरीर के तरल पदार्थ और परिसंचरण

  • question_answer 1)
      Differentiate between (a) blood and lymph                       (b)Basophils and eosinophils                      (c)tricuspid and bicuspid valve  


    Blood Lymph
    Blood is a connective tissue which have erythrocytes leucocytes and platelet present in fluid called plasma. It-flows in all blood vessels. Lymph is also a connective tissue which, is devoid of RBC but has large number of WBC (leucocytes) in plasma. It flows only in lymphatic system and is also found extracelluarly inside the tissue.
    (b) Difference between basophils and eosinophils are as follows
    Basophils Eosinophils
    These possess 3 lobed nucleus, with less number of coarse granules. These take basic stain. These are normally 0-1% is the blood. These possess bilobed nucleus and coarse granules in cytoplasm These take acidic stain These are 1-6% is the blood.
    (c) Difference between tricuspid valve and bicuspid valve are as follows
    Tricuspid Valve Bicuspid Valve
    This valve separate the right atria from right ventricle. It is made of 3 cusps or flaps. This is also known as right atrio ventricular valve. This valve separates the left atria from left ventricle. It has 2 cusps or flaps. This is also called mitral valve or left atrio ventricular valve.

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