11th Class Biology Body Fluids and Circulation / शरीर के तरल पदार्थ और परिसंचरण

  • question_answer 1)
      Write the features that distinguish between the two (a) plasma and serum(b) open and closed circulatory system (c) sino-atrial node and atrio-ventricular node


                      (a) Difference between plasma and serum are as follows
    a) Difference between plasma and serum are as follows
    Blood Plasma Blood Serum
    It is the fluid without blood corpuscles. It is faint yellow in colour. It has fibrinogen and other clotting materials. It takes part in blood clotting. It is liquid without clotting elements. It is pale yellow. It does not have fibrinogen and other clotting materials. It does not take part in blood clotting.
    (b) Difference between open and closed circulatory system are as follows
    Open Circulatory System Closed Circulatory System
    Open circulation occurs in arthropods and mollusks. The blood is not completely enclosed within vessels, the heart pumps blood through arteries into large cavities or sinuses, where it mixes with the interstitial fluid and bathes the cells of the body. Circulation is slower in an open system, because some of the blood pooled in sinuses and, the heart is unable to build up enough pressure to make the blood flow rapidly. Respiratory pigment, if present, is dissolved in the plasma, no red corpuscles are present. It occurs in annelids (earthworms), some mollusks and all vertebrates. In closed circulatory system, materials move between the blood and interstitial fluid through thin walls capillaries. Blood flows at a high pressure in a closed circulatory system. Respiratory pigment is present which may be dissolved in the plasma but is usually contained red blood corpuscles.
    (c) Difference between sino atriol node and artrio-ventricular node are as follow
    SA Node AV Node
    It is the small mass of specialised muscle cells in the wall of right atrium near the opening of vena cava. It initiates and maintains the heart beat. It is situated in the fibrous ring between the right atrium and ventricle of the heart. It is the pathway through, which electrical impulses can pass.

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