11th Class Biology Body Fluids and Circulation / शरीर के तरल पदार्थ और परिसंचरण

  • question_answer 1)
      Explain different types of blood groups and donor compatibility by making a table.


                    There are more than 30 antigens on the surface of blood cells that give rise to different blood groups. ABO Grouping ABO grouping is based on the presence or absence of two surface antigens on the RBCs namely. A and B. The plasma of different individuals contain two natural antibodies. The distribution of antigen and antibody in the four groups of blood, A, AB, B and 0 are explained above in the table. Human ABO Blood Groups and their Compatibility
    Blood Group Genotype Antigens on Red Blood Corpuscles Antibodies in Blood Plasma Donor Recipient
    A B AB O A B AB None B a None a,b   A,AB B,AB AB AB,A,B,O A,O B,O AB,A,B,O O
    From the above table it is evident that group 'O' blood can be donated to persons with any other blood group and hence 'O' group individuals are called 'Universal donors'. Person with 'AB' blood can accept blood from persons with AB, as well as the other groups of blood. Therefore, such persons are called 'Universal recipients'.

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