11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 1)
    How do the various leaf modifications help plants?


    Leaf modification in pants (i) In some plant, the leaf and leaf parts get modified to form green, long, thin unbranched and sensitive thread-like structures called tendrils. The tendrils coil around the plant and provide support to the plant in climbing. Tendrils are present in pea, garden Nasturtium, Clematis, Smilax, etc. (ii) In some plants, the leaves get modified to form curved stiff claw like hooks to help the plant in cleaning to the support. Leaf let hooks are present in Bignonia. (iii) In case of Acacia and Zizyphus, the leaves get modified to form vasculated, hard, stiff and pointed structures. (iv) In case of Acacia longifolia, the expanded petiole gets modified and perform the function of photosynthesis in absence of lamina. (v) In plants such as Nepenthes, the lamina is modified to form large pitcher. It is used for storing water and for digesting insect protein. (vi) In case of Utricularia, the leaf segments are modified into small bladders, to trap small animals.

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