11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 1)
      The essential functions of roots are anchorage and absorption of water and minerals in the terrestrial plant. What functions are associated with the roots of aquatic plants. How are roots of aquatic plants and terrestrial plants different?


                      Usually the terrestrial roots show a branched network that helps in anchorage andabsorption of water and minerals from soil to the plant. While in aquatic plants, roots show modifications and deviation from their normal function. e.g., in plants like Trapa, Tinospora the roots are green and highly branched to increase thephotosynthetic area, whereas in plants like Jussiaea. They get inflated due to air project outof water so to help the plant in floating and exchange of gases. Difference between roots of aquatic plants and terrestrial plants are as
    Aquatic Plants   Terrestrial Plants
    Roots may be absent, e.g., Wolffia. If roots are present they are not well developed. Usually thin adventitious roots are present. Vascular strands are poorly developed. Modified to carry out photosynthesis food storage and exchange of gases.   Roots are well developed with root cap and root hairs and branches. Vascular bundles are well developed. Provide anchorage and help in absorption of nutrients from soil.

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