11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 1)
        Tendrils are found in the following plants. Identify whether they are stem tendrils of leaf tendrils. (a) Cucumber                   (b) Peas                                 (c) Pumpkins                    (d) Grapevine (e) Watermelon


                      (a) Cucumber (Cucumssativus), have stem tendril from axillary bud. (b) Peas(Pisumsativum) leaf gets modified into tendril for climbing. (c) Pumpkins(Cucurbitapepo), stem tendril from axillary bud. (d) Grape wine(Vitis), stem tendril from axillary bud. (e) Water melon(Citrulluslanatus), stem tendril from axillary bud.

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