11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 1)
      How do you distinguish between hypogeal germination and epigeal germination? What is the role of cotyledon(s) and the endosperm in the germination of seeds?


                      Difference between hypogeal germination and epigeal seed sermination are as
    Hypogeal Seed Germination  Rapid growth and elongation of epicotyls. Cotyledons remain inside the soil. Cotyledons remain non-green, non photosynthetic e.g., castor, beans. Epigeal Seed Germination Rapid growth and elongation ofhypocotyl. Seed cotyledons emerge above the soil level/ Cotyledons become green and photosynthetic e.g.,maize, rice.  
    Role of Cotyledons and Endosperm Cotyledons and endosperm contain reserved food materials. When seed imbibes water, enzymes get activated, hydrolyze reserve food material and makes it available for the germinating seed.

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