11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 13)
    Rearrange the following zones as seen in the root in vertical section and choose the correct option. a. Root hair zone                                                              b. Zone of meristems c. Root cap zone                                                               d. Zone of maturation e. Zone of elongation Codes (a)C,B,E,A,D                       (b) A, B, C,D, E                                   (c) D, E, A,C, B                    (d) E, D, C,B, A


                    (b) Root Cap Zone protective covering at the root apex, secretes mucilage to soften thehard soil for the growth of root. Zone of Meristem region of actively dividing densely packed cells resulting into rootgrowth. Zone of Elongation divided cells grow in size and elongate increasing the length of root. They cannot divide further. Root Hair Zone root hair arises and grow in this region, helps in water and mineralabsorption from the soil. Zone of Maturation the cells of root at this region are fully differentiated and mature, performing different functions of root.

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