11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 25)
        In Opuntia, the stem is modified into a flattened green structure to perform the function of leaves, (?'.e., photosynthesis). Cite some other examples of modifications of plant parts for the purpose of photosynthesis.


                      Opuntia is a xerophytic plant, in which leaves are modified into spine to reduce the rate oftranspiration and they do not perform the photosynthesis at all. So function of photosynthesis in Opuntia plant is performed by stem which is thick fleshyand flattened structure containing chlorophyll and stores food. It is known as phylloclade. Sometimes, the stem, i.e., about one internode long modifies into a leaf like structure to carry out photosynthesis, as in Asparagus. They are present in axil of scale leaves while true leaves are reduced to scales or spines. Similarly in some plants, roots become assimilatory as in the case of Trapa and Tinospora. These roots grow outside the soil, develop chlorophyll in them and perform photosynthesis.

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