11th Class Biology Morphology of Flowering Plants (Root, Stem And Leaf)

  • question_answer 41)
      How can you differentiate between free central and axile placentation?


                      Placentation is the arrangement of ovules on the walls of ovary with the help of specialkind of tissue called placenta. Plants show different types of placentation, central and axile are among them. Theyhave the following differences
    Free Central Placenta ion Axile Placenta ion
    Ovary contains only one chambers the placenta bearing. The ovules are borne on the central axis and less free inside the ovary. The septa are absent. e.g., Dianthus, Silensa, etc, Ovary is syncarpous and multi-carpellary, i.e., contain many chambers. Placenta arise from the central axis where the septa fuse to form axile column to which ovules are attached. e.g., Citrus, tomato etc.

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