11th Class Chemistry The s-Block Elements / s-ब्लॉक के तत्व

  • question_answer 86)
    What are the common physical and chemical features of alkali metals?


    Common characteristics of alkali metals: (i) Same electronic configuration, [inert gas]\[n{{s}^{1}}\]. (ii) Never found free in nature but always in combined state. (iii) Always show +1 oxidation state. (iv) With the exception of some compounds of lithium, the salts are ionic in nature. They are colourless, soluble in water. The solutions are good conductors of electricity. (v) Impart characteristic colour to flame. (vi) Metals are paramagnetic but salts are diamagnetic. (vii) All are readily affected by air. (viii) All decompose water. (ix) Strong affinity for non-metals. (x) Dissolve in liquid ammonia and produce blue coloured solutions. (xi) The metals are obtained by electrolysis of a fused salts, usually the fused halides.

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