11th Class Economics Comparative Development Experiences Of India And Its Neighbours

  • question_answer 1)
    Compare and contrast India and China's sectoral contribution towards GDP in 2008. What does it indicate?


    As far as sector wise contribution to growth is concerned, in 2008, contribution of agriculture to GDP in China was 10% white in India it was 19%. On the other hand manufacturing contributes the highest to GDP in China at 47%, whereas in India service sector contributes the highest at around 55%. In the last two decades, the growth of agriculture sector has declined in both the countries. In the industrial sector, China has maintained a double-digit growth rate whereas for India industrial growth rate has declined. In the case of service sector, China has been able to raise its rate of growth in 2008-10 while service sector growth in India has stagnated. China's growth is mainly contributed by the manufacturing sector and India growth by service sector.

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